पृष्ठम्:भगवद्गीता (आनिबेसेण्ट्, भगवान्दासश्च).djvu/२४

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

[ xii ]

conditional. In common and unclassical Samskrit, one form of the past, viz., the first preterite is largely used, the other two being very infrequent; so the first future is seldom met with even in classical Samskrit. Of the moodsthe benedictive mood is very rarely used.

 If the whole list of the 2343 roots were carefully examined, very many more roots would be found to be common between the several Aryan languages than are now noted. But, as said before in connection with the alphabet, the genius of each later language has selected out of the roots what were most suited to it, and the older race, the root-race, has correspondingly dropped them in its later career. It is as if there had been a partition of patrimony between heirs so that what one took the others could not retain.

 These Verbs are divided into ten classes ; the external rea son is that the verbs of each class resemble each other more than those of the other classes, in the general appearance of their conjugational forms. But this again requires a deeper why ; and that is not traceable. If it could be said that there were then main kinds of human action. We should have approximated to the answer wanted

 There are two main forms of conjugation, the परस्मै–पद “for another; and the आत्मने-पद ‘‘ for self. The former, generally speaking, belongs to the active voice, wherein one person does something to another ; and the latter to the passive voice, where in something is done ‘to one self '. But while in the passive voice form of any verb only the आत्मनेपद form is used, in the active voice the परस्मैपद form is used only generally, and sometimes the आत्मनेपद form is used, and in some cases both.