पृष्ठम्:नानार्थार्णवसंक्षेपः (भागः १).djvu/४

विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

12th Century A.D., and his son was Rajaraja. Another Kulottunga is also mentioned as having lived in the first half of the 13th Century A.D., and his son was also called Rajaraja. Either of these two Rajarajas may be the patron of the author.

The author is quoted by Mallinatha [१] and also by Arunâchalanatha [२]who lived before Mallinátha, in their commentaries on Mahákavyas.

The present volume which contains the first two Kandas forms the first part of the Nánartharnavasamkshepa. The second part with Tryaksharakanda, and the third, with the remaining three Kandas will be published in due course.



  1. “वज्रं त्वस्त्री कुलिशशस्त्रयोः मणिवेधे रत्नभेदे इति केशवः", vide his commentary on Raghuvamsa Sarga 1 Shloka 1
  2. "त्रिष्वन्यत्रोपयुक्तत: इति केशवस्वामिवचनादुपयुक्तादन्यदभिदधानस्य शेषशब्दस्य विशेष्यलिङ्गत्वमवसेयम".