पृष्ठम्:धर्मकोशः (व्यवहारकाण्डम्) संचिका १ भागः १.djvu/८५४

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

72 Vyavahārakāmda स्वार्थसिद्धि Establishment of one's own point १७७. स्वार्थहानिकर Cause of the defeat of one's own case ४१३. स्वार्थहीन Charge made by disinterested person १४९. स्वोक्त ( पराजय ) (Defeat ) by one's own state- ment २०८. हरिवंश N. of a scripture ५२५. हर्तव्य To be confiscated ४१३, ४२१. हस्त Kind of measure ५२७, ५३४, ५३५, ५३६, प.७, प.८. f हस्तलाक्ष Particular lower caste १०५. हस्तिवाह Particular unit of time ५३७. इस्तांक signed with one's own hand or bearing the signature of one's own hand ३६४, ३६७. हानि Defeat; weakness of the law-suit; fault of the law-suit, plaintiff or de- fendant १३९, १७०, २०५, ३६७, ३८९, ४११, ४१४, ४२३, ४७९, ५२५, ५४४. हिंसामूल (A legal code) pertaining to violent act i. e. of criminal nature ४. हिंसितव्य To be killed ५६६. हिरण्य Gold १३, ४९, ६१, प.५, प.६, १.७ हिरण्यपिण्ड Lump of gold १.५. हिरण्यशल्क Piece of gold प.६. हीन Deficient, defective, incomplete, de- feated १४२, १९५,२००, २०२, २०४, २०६, २०७, २०८, ४१९, ४७९, ५१६, ५३८, ५४९. हीनदेश Inadmissible witness; un-important place १९०. हीनवादिन् Defeated in a law-suit, disputant whose case is weak २०३, २०५. है। नसेवक Attending on low people, servant of a person of lower caste ३१०. दीयमान One who is going to be defeated २०२, २०५, २०८, ४८३. हुताशसमय Ordeal of fire ४९३, ४९४. हृत Confiscated, taken by force ३४७, ४०९, ४५६. हेतु Evidence, conclusive argument, proof ३०, ७१, १९१, २२८, २३५, २३६, ३५५, ४२८, प.१८. हेतुचरित Argument and tradition १०६. हेत्वन्तरकृत (लेख्य ) (Document) done another purpose ३६१, ४१९. हेत्वर्थगतिसामर्थ्य Plausible reason; importance of the matter under consideration; pro- bability and its relative weight ४२६. हेमकार Goldsmith ४८२. हेमन्त Particular season ५२७. हेमप्रमाण Gold-standard ४५८. हैतुक Rationalist, atheist; heretic ३४३. होढादिदर्शन Cognition of the stolen goods etc. १६. होढाभिदर्शन Cognition of the stolen goods १९. with