पृष्ठम्:धर्मकोशः (व्यवहारकाण्डम्) संचिका १ भागः १.djvu/८३१

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Index of the important Sanskrit words १७६, १८७, १८९, २४४, ५३७. मिथ्यादण्ड Unjust punishment ७०. मिथ्यापदेशसंसृष्ट Indirect denial of the charge; denial of the charge under some pre- text १८९. मिथ्यापवादशुद्धि Purification from a false oharge ४६९. मिथ्याभियोग False prosecution ३३५, ३७०. मिथ्याभियोगिन् One who makes false charge २०२, ५३८. मिथ्याभिषंग False charge ४३४. मिथ्यावचन False statemant २४.. मिथ्यावादिन् One who makes false statement ६६, ५४५. मिथ्याशंसिन् One who makes & false pro- secution ४६९. मिथ्यासेष Illegal arrest ११८. मिथ्योक्ति Denial ( of the charge ) १७, १८, २२४, २३३. मिथ्योत्तर Denial of the charge १६४, १७३, १८४, १८५, १८८, २२४, २३४. मिथ्योपघातोपहत Harassed by false accusa- tion ४८६. मुखशुद्ध Right application of laws of judi- cial procedure ५४४. मुख्य Chief २४१. मुद्रा Seal १२१, १२५, ३७२, ३७३, ५३३. मुद्राभेदक Breaker of the seal १३२. मुद्राशुद्ध Having valid seal ३७२. मुद्रित Sealed ४९, १०४, ३४८, ३७३, ३७६, ३७८,३८०. मुमूर्षुश्रावित Caused to hear by a person lying on death-bed ३०१. मुष्टि Particular measure ५३४, ५३५, ५.८. मुहूर्त Particular time measure ५२७. मूल Property in dispute, capital, person or thing as an indispensable evidence in a law-suit १७२. 49 मूलकर्मक्रिया Employment of roots for magi- cal purposes प. १४. मूल क्रिया Disputable transaction, Trans- action as a cause of dispute ४२८. मूलसार विवेचन Investigation and trial of a dispute ५६. मूलक Seller of roots, ( according to some importer) ३०८. Index 7 मूल्य Value, price ३८०, ४३०, ५९३. मृतसाक्षिक (Document ) whose witnesses who signed that document are dead ३७३. मृतान्तर (साक्षिन्) (Witness ) deposed after the death of a plaintiff ३०१, ३०४, ३३४, ३४६, ३४७. मृदुदण्ड Inflicting mild punishment ५७३. मृषावाक्य Making a false statement ४९२. मेय Measurable १४३, ३३८. मोक्ष Salvation प. १३, प.१४. मोक्षण Release ५८२, ५९०. मोच्य To be released ४९३. मौख Oral, partaining to speech प.१९. मौण्ड्य Clean-shaving ५७९, ५९३. मौल Hereditary or traditional, original, born of a high family २, ५६, २४७, २५१, ३४४, ४१५. मौहूर्तिक Astrologer ३४३. म्लेच्छ Foreigner, barbarian, Non-aryan; man of an out-caste race १०५, ३७५. यज्ञादुपगम Sacrificial feo ३८२. यथाकाल Opportune or suitable moment ४१३. यथाजाति According to the kind or class २८२. यथादृष्ट As observed २४२, २५४, २६८. यथादृष्टश्रुत Corresponding to what is seen and heard २४९. यथादृष्टार्थवादिन् Giving facts as seen or obser- ved २७९. यथाधिकार According to authority ६८. यथान्याय According to rule or justice १७२, ३३६, ३६९, ५७४. यथार्थ Accordant with reality १७२, १८५, १८९.