पृष्ठम्:धर्मकोशः (व्यवहारकाण्डम्) संचिका १ भागः १.djvu/८००

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Vyavahārakānda 18 काल कार्यनिबन्धन Occasionally present at the time of offence or involved in case it. self ३४७. कालनियम Time-limit १०२, १८९, ३००, ३४३, ४५०. कालपरीक्षण Knowledge or investigation of proper time ४८३. कालमान Measure of time ५२७, ५३६. काल विशेषगर्भा With the mention of specific time १७५. कालहरण A delay, postponement to the proper time ३५९, ३६९. कालातिहरण Passing beyond a specific period, delay, time-barring ४०२. कालातीत Old १७१. कालात्यय Waste of time ३८६. कालावधिक Limited by time ३७९. काव्य N. of a sage प.१४. काठतुला A wooden balance ५२६. काष्ठा A particular measure of time ५२७. कितव A gambler २८३, ३०३, ३०६, ३२६, ४६४. किल्लिषिन् One who commits an offence, sinful ५९. किष्कु A particular measure प.७, प.८. कीनाश Cultivator peasant १००, ३०७, ४३२. कुंचि A kind of measure ५३५. कुक्कत Badly done, done unjustly ५४९. कुटुम्बधर्मन् house-holder प.१०. कुटुम्बार्थ For the sake of family ५५५, ५६३. कुटुम्बिन् House-holder ६४, ३७५, ५५०. कुडुबा A particular measure ५२६, ५२७, ५३४, ५३६. कुदृष्ट Decided unjustly or wrongly ६२, कुदृष्टवादिन् Defending a wrong or bad cause; complaining against the previous judg- ment ४१. कुदृष्टि Heresy or heretic, one who holds a heterodox philosophical doctrine ६५. कुप्य Base-metal ५७३. कुप्यवनहस्त A particular measure of space ५२७. कुम्भ A kind of measure ५२६, ५३४, ५३६. कुरु N. of a people or a country प.९. कुल Clan or family; group of cultivators or serfs; head of the clan or family; primary arbitrator or court of family disputes ४०, ४२, ५४, ५५, ५७ ६१, ६२, ६४, ६७, ७७, १०१, १०५, २१०, ३३३, ३६६, ३६८, ५४६, ५४९, ५५६, ५६०, ५७४, ५८४. कुलधर्म Family-traditions ७५, १०४, ५७०. कुलनिर्णीत Decided by the court of the family or clan ४१. कुलविवाद Dispute about family-affairs २९८, ३३१. कुलव्यवहार Dispute between members of the family or regarding family affairs ३४७. कुलिक Headman of a guild, generally acting as a judge in the court of guilds. ५५, १७६, ३१०. कुलीन Of high or eminent descent ४३, ५७, ६३, ६६, १३६, २९८, ३३९, ३४७, ५९५. कुलोद्भव Born of high or respectable family ६१. कुल्य (साक्षिन्) A witness having equal interest in both the parties and who knows the affair from close quarters २९८, ३२३, ३२४, ३२६, ३३१, ३३४. कुशीलव Actor २६८, ३०६, ४५९. कुसीद Interest १७, १४९, ५६२. कुसीदिन् Usurer, one who lives on usury ६७, १००. कुद्दक A cheat, juggler, imposter ३०९, ३४३. कूट False forgery ३७१, ३७३, प. १०. कूटकरण Act of forgery १३०. कूटकारक One who makes forgery ३०९, ३४६, ३६६, ३७७. कूटकृत् (साक्षिन्) Cheat, false witness २८३, २९२, ३११, ३१२. कूटता Falsehood, forgery ३७०, ३७४.