पृष्ठम्:धर्मकोशः (व्यवहारकाण्डम्) संचिका १ भागः १.djvu/७९४

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Vyavahārakānda. 12 आचार स्थितिहेतुभूतशास्त्र The science serving the purpose of maintaining the esta- blished rulo of conduct प. १५. आज्ञा Royal order, ordinance ७०, ११३, १३५. आशापत्र A written order to subordinates, servants etc. (by the king) ३४८; ३७९. अशमिंशापनापत्रे Written order to a servant, a royal circular to honourable persons like ऋत्विक् etc. informing them to do certain things ३४८. आशालङ्घनकर्तृ Breaker of the law, transgres- sor of the royal order ११३. आझालेख Vide आशापत्र १.१८. आढ (क) A kind of measure ५२६, ५३४, ५३५, ५३६. आढ्य Usurer, wealthy ५५६६ आततायिन Endeavouring to kill some one, ● murderer ५९७. आत्मकृत Raised by ono-self, initiated by one-self or by king १२०. आत्मविक्रेतृ (One who sells oneself io one's - own libarty ३४३. आत्मविशोधन Clearing of oneself from tho • charge, Self-purificatory २०५. आत्मशुद्धि Vide आत्मविशोधन ४६३, ४७०. आत्मशुद्धिपर Who intends to purify one self, to clear oneself away from the charge ४५४. आत्मशुद्धिविधान The act of self- purification ४५७. आत्ययिक Urgent case १५९, १६२, १७१, ३३५. आदान Taking, receipt ४२३, ५६४. आदानकाल Time of receipt or taking posses- sion ४१६, ४१९. आदिष्ट Ordered ३७५, आदेय Admissible, to be admitted १५४, १५८. आदेश Taking possession through purchase, gift, etc. ५५२. आद्य To be eaten, food, liable to fine or tax ५६६. आयवर्गों First two castes i. e. two higher castes viz. Brāhman and Ksatriya २६. आधमन Act of pledging or mortgaging ५५९, ५६३. आधर्य Weakness, the state of being in- ferior or losing & cause १७६, २१२, २२०. आधर्प Arrest, warrant of arrest १३५. आधर्षक One who arrests, police officer १३५. आधर्षित Attacked, assailed, injured, arrest. ed १११. आधान Mortgago, deposit, act of mortgag- ing, pledgo ३६३, ३६६, ३६९, ३७३, ३७६, आधानसहित With deposit or pledgo ४१८. आधि Pledge, mortgage, closed deposit, deposit ११३, १९०, ३४८, ३५७, ३५८, ३७२, ३७८, ३८२, ३७६, ३८७, ३९६, ३९७, ४०४, ४०, ४१८, ५५०, ५५२, ५६४. आधिपत्र Deed of mortgage or deposit or pledge ३४८, ३५७, ३७४. आधिलिखित Decd of pledge or mortgage ३७३. आधिलेख्य Deed of pledge or mortgage ३७८. आधेय Pledge, deposit mortgage ३८२. आध्यधीन Born slave ३४३. आध्यात Gained by deposits or mortgage १४३. आनृण्य The acquittance of debt or obligation ५७९. आन्वीक्षिकी Logic, philosophy प. १२. आप्तदोष Who is convicted ५७४. आमीर N. of a caste, a cowherd (being of a mixed tribe as the son of a Brahmin and an Ambas'tha woman), N of a country १०५. आभ्यन्तर Who enjoys confidence ३३२.. आमन्त्रण The council of ministers, the