
विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

282 GANITASARASANGRAHA An eaccomple in illustration theref 29. The combined sum of the (hoight) measure of the style and the (length) measure of its shadow is 50. What may be the height of the style, the human shadow being (at the time) 4 times (the human height) ? The rule for separating the (length) measure of the shadow of the style and the measure of the human shadow (in terms of the human height) from (their) combined sum : 30. IThe combined sum of the moasures of the shadows of a style and of a man is divided by the (known height) measure of the style as increased by one. The quotient (so obtained) is the measure of the human shadow (in terms of the human height) . The combined sum (above-mentioned) as diminished by this (measure of the human shadow) gives rise to (the length-measure of) the shadow of the style. An example in illustration thereof. 31. 'The hoight of a stylo is 10 . The sum of the human shadow (in terms of the human height) and (the length of the shadow of the style is 55. How much is the measure of the human shadow (in terms of the human height and how much is the length of the shadow of the style)? The rele for arriving at the measure of the inclination of a pillar (or vertical style) : 2-38. The product of the square of the human shadow and the square (of the height of the style is to be subtracted from the 32-38. Heb ABrepresent the position of a landing pillau and ACits shadow and let AD be the same pillar in the vertical A E position and AD its shadow. Then AD is equal to the ratio of the shadow of a man to his height at the time; and let this ratio be = the perpendicular from B on AID, represents the amount of slanting of the pillar, ABIt can be easily AB४ - BGS _ AD 1 shown that AU BG From +his it be seen thnt BG Ag - AG°-(AC - AB•x +*) (" + 1). The rulo here gives this

  • +1

sage formula.