पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/13

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

companions of his wanderings a number of persons[१]. Although Bâṇa had ancestral wealth sufficient to maintain him in ease and comfort, yet his strong curiosity to see different lauds impelled him to wander from place to place and made him an object of ridicule in the eyes of his elderly contemporaries. After finishing his wanderings in which he gathered a rich harvest of wisdom and experience, he returned to his native place Brâhmaṇâdhivâsa (or Prîtikûṭa) with broadened sympathies and a widened outlook.

One day in the height of summer, when Bâṇa sat in his house after the midday meal, his cousin (born of a Śûdra woman) Chandrasena ushered in a courier who brought a letter from Kṛishṇa, a brother (cousin) of Emperor Harsha. In the letter Kṛishṇa referred Bâṇa to the messenger Mekhalaka and bade him lose no time in carrying out the wishes of the writer. The message was;—"Emperor Harsha's ears have been poisoned against you by some wicked people. But I knew the truth about you and interceded on your behalf with the king and told him that you (Bâṇa) must not have been guilty of anything beyond youthful rashness and folly. The king admits this and so you should come to the emperor's court without delay."

After a good deal of misgivings as to how he would be received at the court of Harsha, Bâṇa performed some auspicious rites and set out from his native place Prîtikûṭa. On the third day he reached the camp of Harsha which was then on the Ajirâvatî near the town Maṇitâra.

"अभवंश्चास्य वयसा समान: सुहृद साहयक्ष | तथा च | भ्राथ्रो पारशवो चन्द्रसेनमोत्रुपेनु भाषकविरिशन परं मित्रं प्रणीयनौ रुद्रनारायणौ, विद्वान्सो वरबनोवसवनो , वर्णकविवेनिभारत प्रकृतिकुल्पुत्रो वायुविकार बिन्दनवनगद वासवाणौआ वणंकीवबणीभारतःप्राकृतकृत्कुलपुत्रोवायुआईबकारःवीदनावनाआ च्चाआमूचिवाणौकात्यायीनकाचकवाकिकाजाङ्गुआईलकोम? रकःताङ्कबूलदायकश्चण्डकः आईभपक्पुत्रो मन्दारकः पु?आकवाचकः सुदृआईष्टःआ कलादश्चार्माकरः हौईरकः आईसःधुपेणःआ लेखकोआआआएआबईन्हकः आईचत्र?आईरवमाआ पुरूआकृत्कुमारद्दत्तःमार्दीङ्गको र्जामूतः गायनौ सोआईमलग्रैआआईदत्योआ सैरर्न्भा कुराङ्गकाआ वांआईशकौ म?करपारावतै आआआन्धवा » पाध्यायो ? रकःसवाहिकाकेरीलका लासकयुबाताण्ढीबकः आआईक्षक आखण्डलःआ आईकतवो भीमकः शैलाआईलयुवाआईशखण्डक्वः नर्तकी हीरीणका पाराशरी सुमीतः क्षपणको र्वारदेवः कथ्को जयसेन शैवो वक्रधोणः मन्नसाथकः करालः असुरविविरव्यसनि धथुवदविद्वैगं

,दार्दुरिको दामोदर, ऐन्द्रजाआईल्लकश्चकोराक्षः, मस्करी ताम्रचूडः ।"

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