पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/२७५

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR 235 next World by being addicted to (illegitimate) sensual plea sures. In the six sentences from न पीडिताः etc. up to...कामेन, the king says that he conquered the six शत्र8 viz. कामक्रोध, लोभ, मोहमद and मत्सर, four of which are directly mentioned and the other two (मोह and मसर) are indicated. राजधर्म...रुचिः I followed the duties of kings (as laid down in the शास्त्रऽ ) and not my own वृद्धाः..व्यसनानि I served old men and not vices. See note on व्यसन above (p. 217 and p. 223). अनुवर्तितानि followed. नेन्द्रियाणि I did not do what my senses would have induced me to do, धनु मनः I raised my bow (to fight with my enemies ) and not the mind ३. ३. my mind was never puffed up. वृत्तं...शरीरम् I wrotect ed (४. e, cared for) good conduct and not my bodyवाच्यात्. मरणात् I was afraid of censure and not of death. Compare ‘न भीतो मरणादस्मि केवलं दूषितं यश' मृच्छकटिक IX. उपभुक्तानि...परिहारात् । enjoyed as my youthfull desires would prompt to my hearts content (पर्याप्तम्) all the pleasures derived from objects of enjoy• ment which are rare even in heaven by avoiding (परिहारात् ) what should not be done. अकार्यपरिहारः परदारादिवर्जनम्. He means that he enjoyed only such pleasures as were legitimate, पर्याप्तम् is used as an adverb. It would be better if we take अकार्थपरिहारात् with the next sentence and finish this sentence with पर्याप्तम्. अकार्य...मे. I think that I have secured even the next world (, e. Heaven by avoiding what is improper and by doing what it is my duty to do, त्वजन्मना--स्मि and I am blessed (all my desires are fulfilled) by your birth. तदय ...रथः therefore this is the only desire of mine that remains to be fulilled ). दार..यास्यामीति this is in apposi tion with अयम् and expresses his only remaining desire. दार ष्ठिते who are established in life by marryingजन्म...हृदयेन with a heart that was at ease (लघु) on account of the fulfilling (निर्वाह ) of the purpose of my life. N explains ‘जन्मनो नृभवस्य निर्वाहः आयुः क्षयं यावत्परिपालनं तेन लघुना तुच्छेन हृदयेन । केवलं जन्मपालनप्रवृत्तत्वेन तदितरस- मग्नाशाविमुक्तत्वेन च चेतसो लघुत्वमिति भावः । This is not satisfactory. The king was not merely waiting bill death put an end to life. He was rather starting on another mode of life and was about to engage in strenuous efforts for attaining to true knowledge. पूर्व..यास्यामि I shall follow the path pursned by former Sago-like king6राजर्षि-a king who by his pious deeds and austero penance comes to be regarded as a sage e. g• जनक. It was nsual with kings in anoient India to betake themselves to a forest life in their old ageafter placing their sons on the throneCompare रघु० VIII. 11. ‘गुणवत्सुतरोपितश्रियः परिणामे हि दिलीपवंशजाः पदवीं