एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति
( 26 ) set-Having seen. è3-g. A God, a deity. ( fe--wt) देवता-खी. A deity. (दिवू +अच्) eratete-fry. The Banks of the Ganges. (देवनदौ The Ganges+तट, तत्य,) 鼻 een kar-71. The door of the temple of 3 goddess, (Râî+ zır, ar.) a-. A country, a region. (fe-sis) दैवात्-अ. Accidentally, anti-. Defect, an object, (st+ws) sey-A thidg, an object. (s+ ae) द्रष्टम्-अ. To see. (दृश × तुमुन्) द्राक्षा-स्रो. A grape. “द्राद्+अ+टाप) grgg- A cluster of grapes. (giv-- · tre-g. Place near a door. (ert+tra, तत्पु,.) Հ fe-for. Two. fig -fi, Twice, two times. fe + gy qa-. Wealth, money. (4 (to produce)+ws i. var - f Fortunate, well fated. (धन+ यत् ) writer-ri The earth, the surface of the earth, the ground ( ecx + arte ) %-w