एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति
| ज्ञात-त्रि. Known. [ज्ञा + ता] aft sta-. That subject. (etc.-- ਧ कर्म 21 ) wr-rTo know. (syrytfa, wrana, stąftkc) Yyte. Knowing, wise. ( r+ata) wifeft-w. Quickly, soon. rz-fa, Ashore or bank. (e.g. + w( ) TTT-tä. A pond. TS+ VAVą Irr.) e-w, Therefore, thence. (et a to spread)+ किप) ag-fer. He, she or it. TT:—v. Then, thence. [ag afsT) ፵ तत्क्षणम्-न, Adverb) At that instant. Iere क्षण, बहु.] | av—vs. There in that. [To TT) FYRI—fr. Existing there. (Yr Egg) ret-wr. In the same way, so, etc. चा] at-w. At that time, then, as a बडु, वि.] | aana-fr. Absorbed in that a मयुटुlopt:
- 下。丁烹弼鬣
in thought. 3 x & 驚 KqT-TV. Austere devotion: Sest في حجج" بل * * ക స్టోFثچي 苓格 ܐܳܕ݂ܶܣܛܢ