PREPACE. My object in writing this little book is to place in the hands of the boys of the fourth form in our English Schools teaching up to the Entrance standared an easy Reader in idiomatic Sanskrit suited to their capacity. It will be the Second Book in an intended series of Readers leading up to the Entrance Course its first being my Saral Vakya, a primer not yet published, and its third my Ratnashtak now before the critics. It consists of a number of short and interesting fables in a form especially adapted for the class of students for whom it is intended. Foot notes have been given in every case they were considered necessary and a Glossary of the words in the text has been added to be a dictio • nary ready at hand for preparing the lesson at home and to serve as guide in translating the pieces into English. This book and the Ratnashtak may also be used with advantage by boys of the First and Second Classes apart from their Entrance Course to acquire a fluency in Sans krit Composition that will stand them in good stead in their University Examination. The author.
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