एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति
( 53 ) tyg-err. To endure, to suffer, to be patient to be content (viya &c.) सहचर्-चि. Companion. (ty+ ty+zą.) vi st-ri. A thousand. at at-ia. With respect, respectfully. TT va fèt--( He ) makes. vitri r-fa. With pleasure. (gy--wire.) st Hun-St. Apparatus, instrument, stock &c. TH THRa—ti. The Evening time. सारस-पुं A Crane, fe. Belonging to a pond. (मरस्+षण) wife ant-at. A kind of talking bird. (मैना इति ख्य़ाता, ) agiš –fa. With the body, stretched on the ground (in prostration) (ty X w.gr + 3 s, as, frig ev-77. Throne, the royal seat (fivg -- ग्रामन.) wr-f. Beautiful, pretty. vēš-f. Much, many &c, (+ + +, सुभग-चि, Good. Hg(-fer, Very sweet. st far-ft. Fragrant, sweet-smelling. सुवर्ण-न, Gold.