l AR Y ABHATI YA takes the form of additional notes and worked out examples relating to mathematical computation occurring in the said three sections. Some of these examples are his own and the others culled from earlier astronomers like Bhaskara I. His own illustrations are prefixed with expressions like madījvodāharaņāni. The Gaņitā-pāda, the Sphuta section of the Kālakriya-pada and the Grahana Section of the Golapada are particularly rich in these extra examples. Often, additional elucidations are given to the textual verses and new topics are introduced and explained. A number of compendious verses (sangraha-slokas) composed by Yallaya himself are also found strewn all over the Supplement. The views, explanations and examples of Yallaya's teacher Suryacarya also come in for citation. To cite an instance : After recording Suryadeva's comment on A, Ganita 11, Yalaya introduces his teacher's views with the prefatory statement : सूत्रस्य सूर्यदेवेन यज्वना कृतं व्याख्यानं समग्रमपि मद्गुरुमुखारविन्दविनिगीतानि वाक्यानि मयाऽऽश्रितानि कानिचिल्लिख्यिन्ते । 4. Supplementation on Conjunction of planets A lengthy supplement covering several pages added to Gola. 45 is highly instructive. In this supplement Yallaya works out in detail illustrative examples for the conjunction of Jupiter and Moon which occurred in Kali 4557 (A.D. 1456), of Saturn and Moon which occurred in Kali 4566 (A.D. 1465), a solar eclipse which occurred in Kali 4567 (A.D. 1466) and a lunar eclipse which occurred in Kali 4580 (1479). This excursus is interspersed with a large number of Yallaya's own summary verses and observations on the merits of different astronomical authorities. Some of the said observations are particularly interesting. Thus, on the comparative ease in the computation of parallax according to the Laghumanasa, Yallaya remarks : 3Trivatarifatबहुप्रयाससाध्यजनितलम्बनस्य मञ्जुलाचार्योक्तसुलभोपायसाध्यलम्बनस्य [च] द्वितीयचतुविघटिकामात्रं वैषम्यम् ॥ अर्थात् चन्द्रादुपरिकक्ष्यासञ्चारिणं गुरुं अादित्यं परिकल्प्य सूर्यास्तमयादियोगकाले तदहर्मुगतघटिकापर्वान्तन्यायेन लम्बनावगतिः कुर्यात् । After further discussion he observes, TTEĦTarãHaTfiaTTiTą 3 gafarfa sì raffèr Hra But on the computation of true Saturn, he remarks : 3TT Hatta Hiजनितशनिः स्थूल इति मन्यामहे ॥ 5. An auxiliary work At one place, the supplementation of Yallaya takes the form of an auxiliary work. Thus, after recording Suryadeva's commentary on