पृष्ठम्:अमरकोशः (दाक्षिणात्यव्याख्योपेतः).djvu/६३

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

lxiii ( sarvam' (III. 1. 64) is fully interpreted by Malli. showing that the word is sarvanāman (pronoun) only in the sense of 'all' and that in the other remaining senses of equal', etc. it should be declined as an ordinary noun. He gives examples such as samaḥ samau same, samasmai, samesām when it is a sarvanāman and INTRODUCTION समाय समानायेत्यर्थः । समानां संवत्सराणामित्यर्थः । समे साधावित्यर्थः । for the other senses. The word kästhataks (carpenter) is somewhat puzzling in its declension and hence he gives the forms as kāşthatat käşthatakṣau kästhatakṣaḥ (p. 625). The declension of the word tita-u (sieve) has already been referred to (p. Ivi). Malli. adds sauḥ as an epithet of the goddess Pārvati and declines it as 'sauḥ savau savaḥ, savam savau savaḥ (p. 28). As Usanas (planet Sukra) is santa, nanta and adanta in its vocative he gives these forms quoting the relevant sūtra-s. हे उशन:, हे उशनन्, हे उशन ( p. 67 ). Malli. seems to have a flair for unearthing odd sounding words from various authors and lexicons. This happens too often to be considered as fortuitous. When explaining the word trisamdhyam (the triad of junctures or twilights) he cannot resist the temptation of mentioning the alternate form trisamdhyi, just because some people say that such a form exists. त्रिसंध्यी इति च कतिचित् कथयन्ति। (p. 76) The term hradaḥ for a reservoir is well known but Malli. fishes out drahaḥ which sounds quaint, but derives authority from Trivikrama. द्रहः संस्कृतेऽपि इति त्रैविक्रमवचनाद् द्रहोऽपि हृदनाम । (p. 173) For the word puspavāṭikā (flower garden) he gives a strange sounding word purpavatikā. पुर्पवाटिकेत्यत्र सस्य प|क्षिको रेफादेशः। (p. 216)