पृष्ठम्:अमरकोशः (दाक्षिणात्यव्याख्योपेतः).djvu/३०

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

XXX AMARAKOŚA मेघप्रतिफलितनानावर्णस्य धनुराकारेण दृश्यमानस्य सूर्यकिरणस्य नामेति केचित् । (p. 57 ) Identical again is the meaning given by both for samdhya (twilight): दिनान्तादुपरि घटिका त्रयात्मकस्य सूर्योदयात् प्राक् पञ्चघटिकात्मकस्य च कालस्य नामनी । (p. 75, 11.3-4 and 15-16) and prasevaka (the belly of a lute below the neck): दण्डावलम्बनायाल।बूमूलनिक्षिप्तसंदंशाकारसारदानाम | (p. 125); and küpaka (hole dug in the sandy bed of a river): शुष्कनद्यादौ जललाभाय क्रियमाणगर्तनाम (p. 161). When dealing with the word jrmbha (yawn), Malli. men- tions the Lingabhattiyam by name and politely suggests that his interpretation of the word as 'yawning' is not in accordance with the explanation given. in the Vaijayanti, the favourite¹ of Malli. In another place, while explaining the word secana (p. 164), he adversely criticizes Sūrin without mentioning his name. It is clear from a large number of such examples that Malli. has utilized Sūrin's commentary. The work of Sūrin is a very valuable accession to the lexicographical literature in Sanskrit. Whereas commentators of lesser merit have sunk into oblivion, Sūrin's commentary has all along been well received, especially in the southern region. The astonishingly large number of variants in his comm. as testified by more than a score of MSS. collated may be considered as a sign of his popularity. He explains all the words of Amara, assigning a distinct origin to each word in the vocabulary. He combines conciseness of expression with fullness of treatment. His motto is similar to that of Mallinātha, the celebrated commentator on the Mahākävya-s: ¹ Malli. quotes 213 times from the Vaijayanti in the first two Kāṇḍa-s.