पृष्ठम्:अमरकोशः (दाक्षिणात्यव्याख्योपेतः).djvu/१०

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

19. O 21. U 22. W₁ 20. T Adyar Library. Palm-leaf No. 73425. 42 fo. 42.5x3 cm. 8 lines in a page. 60 letters in a line. Grantha. Old. Slightly injured. Good writing. Contains the first Kānda complete. Mysore. Palm-leaf No. 586. 64 fo. 40.5 x3 cm. 5 lines in a page. 60 to 62 letters in a line. Telugu. Slightly injured. First Kanda com- plete. AMARAKOŚA 23. W₂ पार्थिवाब्दे नभोमाससितकामदिने ददौ । सीताराम- प्रभोलिंङ्गाभट्टीयं केशवद्विजः ॥ 24. Y Adyar Library. Palm-leaf No. 74124. 100 fo. 42 x3.5 cm. 6 lines in a page. 56 letters in a line. Telugu. Old. Injured. Good writing. Contains the second and third Kānda-s com- plete. Date of copying: Monday, 13th day of the bright fortnight of the month of Pusya in the year Virodhikṛt. Trivandrum. Paper No. 1228. 393 pp. 28 × 22 cm. 20 lines in a page. 25 letters in a line. Devanagarī. Good condition. Contains the first and second Kända-s. Breaks off in the middle of Sūdravarga. Date of copying: 17.10.1102 (M.E.). Tirupati. Palm-leaf No. 1907. 79 fo. 46 ×2.5 cm. 5 lines in a page. 74 letters in a line. Grantha. Old. Injured. Good writing. First Kāṇda complete. 25. Z₁ Tirupati. Palm-leaf No. 4231. 79 fo. 38.6×3.1 cm. 7 lines in a page. 61 letters in a line. Trivandrum. Paper No. 5231.50 fo. 30.6 x 15 cm. 11 lines in a page. 36 letters in a line. Devanagarī. Good condition. First Kanda complete.