सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

(Node) 47-48. The first result (4gri70plalld of verses 5-6) is reduced by 5161 (karta71 karm10) and multiplied by 87 (sodar10). From the result subtract 35 (71210) and add to the remainder its 277th (staliasara) part. (The result obtained is in ) minutes and * is to be subtracted from 6 to get (the position of) the Node. Its position for the (different) Wakyakala.s is to be computed proportiomately using the /alk yers८ik/hya-s in the same manner as that prescribed for the Sun.1 (Conclusion) 49. Stating but this much and that in a succinct manner, possibly certain details might have been left out by me, at places, under the presumption that those (details) are (generally) known May all those (details) be before your (mind's eye) 50. With a view to dispel the doubts of good men, the motion of the Moon has been set out in a proper manumer, concisely, by a Iman of intellect (which I consider myself to be) . 45 51. By the very same person who composed the set of Moon sentences, beginning with ऽfla71 rajोंal7 6riye (12-2-35"), correct to the seconds, has this work, t00, been composed (Thus ends THE COMPUTATION OF TRUE M00N by Mādhava of Saigamagrāma) minutes per Moon's anormalistic cycle. At 5161 Moon's anomalistic cycles after the Khapda-di१८, the Kep८ for the Node is (35-+-3527) minutes, negative. Hence the subtraction of 35. Since the Node's motion is retrograde, the total result is to be subtracted from the position of the Node at the beginning of Kali, which is 6 r06is. The use of proportion for the days gone during the current cycle is obvious, the motion of the N०e being uniform,