एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति
( 11 ) usic-9 in one, together. ( un-- "yes) Qaser-x. Once upon a time, on a certain day. ( एक +- दटा ) gata-for Short by one. (gas -- Sir ) ata frā -The nineteenth century. ( एकी नविश+ शतक ) urari-fi So much, so long. (urt-aft) tga-vy Only, certainly, indeed. ga-vy Thus, so, certaiuly = ey ओदन-न Boiled rice (उन्द × ल्युट्) = भक्तम् sity-ri. A medicament, a medicinal herb. ( औषधि + अण ) कः-पुं Whd ? ( from fair mas ) कञ्चित्-अ To any one ( ধিনি & art are added to far, when inflected, as, a fact, a fact, कौचन &c ) = कमपि कराठ =पुं Throat. (कण+ ठ) or (कठ + अच्) = गल: कथञ्चन-अ any how. ( कथम +चन) ( See कञ्चित् suh-v How 2 (fs-- ) PeaF-–fa Saying, narrating, (äfe +VC) (Pres part. ) = वदत् Trafa Ker-Ys Having said ( fiz -- TT ) Myopgng