सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

(i.e. their positions) appear like particles of grass Do not, oh Sudhu, set your heart on any ephemeral enjoyment other than that.

स नम्या नगरी महान्स नृपतिः सामन्तचक्रं च त-
पार्श्वे तस्य च सा विदग्धपरिषक्त्ताश्चन्द्रविम्बाननाः।
उद्वृत्तः स च राजपुत्रनिवहस्ते बन्दिनस्ताः कथाः
सर्वं यस्य वशादगात् स्मृतिपथं कालाव तस्मै नमः ॥ ४१ ॥

 41. That lovely city, that grand monarch, and that circle of feudatory Kings at his side, that cabinet of shrewd counsellors of his and those beauties with moon-like faces, that group of wayward princes, those court-minstrels and their songs of praise--under whose power all this fleeted away and became objects of memory, to that Kala (time or the principle of charge) salutation ! [उद्वृत्त -Another reading is उद्रिक्त which means haughty'.]

यत्रानेकः क्वचिदपि गृहे तत्र तिंस्ट्यथैको
यत्राप्येकस्तदनु बहवस्तत्र नैकोऽपि चान्ते
इत्थं नेयौ रजनिदिवसौ लोलयन् द्वाविवाक्षौ
कालः कल्यो भुधनफलके . क्रीडति प्राणिशरैः ॥४२॥

 42. Where in some home (or, a square in the case of a checkerboard) there once were many, there is now one, and where there was one or many successively, there is zone at the end (of