सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

GLOSSARY OF TERMS Râddhânta Siddhânta, Rocyamara Lords of 30 degrees of a sign or of 30 Parsi days. Sadasitimukha The ends of the 26th degree of Sagittarius, the 22nd degree of Pisces, the 8th degree of Gemini, and the 14th degree of Virgo (which fall at intervals of 86 degrees beginning with the first point of Libra) are called Sadasitimukha. The Sun's entry into these signs is called Sadasiti. mukha-sankranti. Sadandya Same as Sadasitimukha. Sama Used as an abbreviation for Samamandula. Samabhogi A nakyatra whose length is equal to the Moon's mean daily motion. Samadhri (=Samamandala-dhrti) Dhrti for the prime vertical. Sama drgjyā Rsine of the prime vertical zenith distance. Samagama Conjunction of two heavenly bodies. Same as Yoga or Yuti. Samakala Equal up to minutes of afC. Samakarna Hypotenuse of the prime vertical shadow. Samamandala The prime vertical; the vertical circle going through the east and west cardinal points (called Samasthaпа). Samasadala Same as Manaikyar dha. እ% ¶ Sanasadala rita Same as Manai. kyārdhavrtta. Samasanku Prime vertical altitude or Rsine of prime vertical altitude, Samavala ya Same as Sататат çdala. Samavritta Same as Samamandala. Sama vāninśa Same as Kālāmiśa. Sanhchadaka The eclipser. Sañkhyána Mathematics; calcula tion. Samunnata Same as Unnata. Sani Saturn. Also called Manda (slow-moving planet) or Raiputra (Sun's son). Sankrama Same as Sankranti. Sankranti Time of crossing a sign. Sanku Gnomon; twelve; altitude or Rsine of altitude. Sankutala The distance of the projection of a heavenly body on the plane of the celestial horizon, from the rising-setting line of the heavenly body. Śara Celestial latitude. Sarasana Same as Dhanu. Sasibhavana Same as Sasigrha. Sasigrha The sign Cancer. Savana Civil. Sayaka Celestial latitude. Šīghrakendra Šīghra anomaly. Šīghraphala Šīghra correction. Sighratunga Same as Sighrocca. Sighrocca The highest point of the śīghra eccentric; apex of fastest motion. Sita Measure of the illuminated part. Also see Bhirguputra.