सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

. ARYABHATTYA पूर्व मया कृता ग्रन्था अनुक्रम्यन्ते। भास्कराचार्य-महातन्त्रविवरण गोविन्दस्वाम्यं प्रथमं व्याख्यातम् । तत ग्रार्यभटीयशास्त्रस्य भटप्रकाशाख्यं संक्षिप्तभाष्यं कृतम् । ततो वराहमिहिरकृता महायात्रा संक्षेपतो व्याख्याता । अथेदं मानसाख्यं करण मूलवासनासहित-संक्षेपवासनाप्रदर्शनार्थ विस्तरेण विवृतम्। इदानीं श्रीपतिकृता जातकपद्धतिश्च व्याख्यासिता । तावद् वाग्देवी सरस्वती पूरयिष्यतीति सिद्धम् । While, in the above passage, Suryadeva gives the order of his works as commentaries on the Mahabhaskariya-vyakhya, (Vivarana), of Govindasvāmī, Aryabhati ya of Āryabhața, Yogayātrā of Varāhamihira, Laghumanasa of Mufijala and adds that he intended to comment on the Jatakapaddhati of Śrīpati; the last-mentioned commentary has at its end the statement that he then intended to comment on the Khaņdakhādyaka of Brahmagupta. Cf: इदानीं भट्ट-ब्रह्मगुप्त-कृत-खण्डखाद्यक-व्याचिकीर्षा विद्यते । तां च कृष्णो देवकीपुत्रः पूरयिष्यति । 6. ARYABHATIYA-VYAKHYA 1. Nature of the work Suryadeva calls his commentary on the Aryabhatiya by the name Prakasa, while later writers apply to it also the appellation Prakasika,' often prefixed with such expressions as Bhata-, Aryabhata- and Aryabhaṭīya-. To Suryadeva every verse of Aryabhata is a sutra. Towards the beginning of his commentary, Suryadeva states that he was attempting to give a 'succinct' (sanksipya) exposition of the sutras of Aryabhata (Intro, verse 3, p. 1). But the commentary is much more than succinct. Though not elaborate, it is full and adequate enough to provide a good understanding of the text. He prefixes the commentary with a special Introduction (upodghata) which sets out the nature, contents and significance of the discipline of Jyotisa in its 1. Cf. : इति प्रकाशो गदितः सूर्यदेवेन यज्वना ॥ (Col. to Giītikā-pāda, p. 32) 2. See for instance, Paramesvara in his Aryabhatiya-vyakhya on i. 7 : भट-प्रकाशिकायां उच्चपतानां गतिरन्यथा प्रदशिता ।