सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

परमेश्वराचार्येण अस्मत्परमगुरुणा ‘चलांशास्स्वं' (4546) इति कल्यब्दे परीक्ष्य पञ्च दशांशपूर्तिनिर्णीता । etc. (Siddlutadorp010-)yakly, verse 18) ; प्रस्मत परमगुरुणापि सिद्धान्तदीपिकायाम. एतत् प्रतिपादितम् । (48). Bhasy4 , Golapada, verse 3) Works of Nilalkaptha Nilakantha has written several works which reflect his deep study of and ripe scholarship in astronomy, embodying the results of 1his investigations in the subject and interpreting the science lucidly A mention of his works may, advantageously, be made here : 1. Goldऽ '0' ('Quintessence of Spherical astronomy)' in pariched0s, embodying the basic astronomical elements procedures 2. Siddld॥tularp010, a short work in thirty-two (I114stubls , enunciating the astronomical constants with reference to the Kalp0 and specifying his views on the main astronomical concepts and topics on which there is difference of opinion among authorities. title it is sometimes cited, 4. A commentary on present edition. a short the cast by the Moon and vice-versa, being the work edited here. work 5. Tantrasaigral८* divided 432 verses. This is a major work in thirty-two which verses on the three and Carld)'accld y'gd१it, included into eight chapters of Nilakantha and is in the comprising an erudite 1. Cr. cdin. with Translation, by K.V. Sarma, W.W.R. Institute, Hoshiarpur, 1970 2. Critically Ed. with Translation by K.V. Sarma, Adyar, Library, Madras, 1955. Two short anonymous tracts, entitled Siddhanta darparasiddlhor-p0ary()yadaya} and] antatla724asild-paryaya-bha dinani, added as Appendices to this edition, vouch for the popularity of this text 3. Ed. with the commentary Lagluyivrti by Sarlkara , in Tऽऽ 188 (1958)