ज्योतिराद्यधिष्ठानाधिकरणम् 6
ज्योतिराद्यधिष्ठानं तु तदामननात्प्राणवता,
शब्दात् ॥ १३ ॥
जीवेन सहाग्न्यादेरिन्द्रियाद्यधिष्ठानं परमात्मसंकल्पादेव भवति, ' योऽग्नौ तिष्ठन्नग्निमन्तरो यमयति ' इत्यादिशब्दात् ॥
तस्य च नित्यत्वात् ॥ १४ ॥
1सर्वस्य तन्नियाम्यत्वनियमात्2 ॥
13. Jyotiradyadhisthanam tu tadamananat
pranavata , sabdat
But the ruling over the senses on the part of the fire etc, along with the self, is owing to the will of that Highest Self; on account of the scriptural statement.
The fire, etc. along with the individual self, have their control over the sense-organs, due to the will of the Highest Self. This is stated in the scriptural text, 'Dwelling in the fire, He controls the fire from within' (Brh.III-7 -5).
14. Tasya ca nityatvat
And because of this being invariable.
It is because of the fact that everything is invariably under His control.