सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

व्यपदेशः ; न स्वरूपाल्पत्वेन ! व्योमवत् । स्वरूपमहत्त्वं चात्रैव व्यपदिश्यते, " ज्यायान् पृथिव्या ज्यायाननन्तरिक्षात् " इत्यादिना ॥

संभोगप्राप्तिरिति चेन्न, वैशेष्यात् ॥ ८ ॥
परोऽप्यन्त:शरीरे वसति चेत्, जीववत् सुखदुःखोपभोगप्राप्तिः

स्यादेितेिचेत्1 ; न, हेतुवैशेष्यात् । परस्य 2हि स्वच्छ्न्दतो3 जीवरक्षायै शरीरान्तर्वासः ॥

for the purpose of meditation and not because of His minute size. The illustrative example is the ether. The bigness of His size has been stated in the scriptural text, 'Greater than the earth, greater than the sky etc.' (Chand. III-14-3).

8. Sambhogapraptiriti cenna, vaisesyat

Should it be said that there is happening of fruition (of pleasure and pain in the Highest Person) ; we reply, not so, on account of distinction.

Suppose the Highest Person lives within the body of the individual selves; then He has to enjoy the fruits of pleasure and pain, as in the case of the individual selves. It is not so, because the difference of the cause of it. The Highest Person lives within the body of the individual selves, only on His own will in order to save them.

1चेन्नैतत् A 1. right=2हेि omitted M 1, 3 छन्दतो M 3.