सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
प्रथमाध्यायै प्रथंमः पाद्ः ३

धर्मार्थकामरूपपुरुषार्थसाधनतानिश्चयः "प्रभुत्वादार्त्विज्यम्" इत्यन्तेन सूत्रकलापेन संकर्मेण 1</> कृतः ।

एवं वेदस्यार्थपरत्वे कर्मणां च तदर्थत्वे तेषां च केवलानां त्रेिवर्गफलत्वे निश्चिते सतेि, वेदैकदेशभूतवेदान्तभागे केवलकर्मणामल्पा- स्थिरफलत्वं ब्रह्मज्ञानस्य चानन्तस्थिरफलत्वमापाततो दृष्ट्वा, अनन्तरं मुमुक्षोरवधारितपरिनिष्पन्नवस्तुबोधजननशब्द्रशत्तेः पुरुषस्य ब्रह्मबुभुत्सा जायत इति 'अथातो ब्रह्मजिज्ञासा' इति कर्मविचारानन्तरं तत एव हेतोर्ब्रह्मविचारः कर्तव्य इत्युक्तं भवतेि ।

the rituals of Prakrti and Vikrti kinds2 are only the means to attain the three-fold object of human pursuit viz. Dharma (i.e. ritualistic works), Artha (i.e. wealth) and Kama (i.e.gratification of desire)

The Vedas naturally imply their meaning. The ritualistic works are their meaning. It is also determined that these mere works can grant only the three-fold object of human pursuit stated above. It is roughly realised in Vedanta, which is a portion of the Vedas, that the ritualistic works give only small and transitory results and the Brahman-realization only can produce infinite and eternal results. Then, in the person, who wants to attain Moksa (i.e. final release), and who has determined,

1ससंकषेण M 2, M 4; संकर्षणेन M 1, M 3. सँकर्षेण् आकर्षेण ; बेदार्थविचाररुपसामान्यविषयात् कर्मविचारस्य पृथक्करणेनेत्यर्थः

2The Prakrti is that, of which details are fully mentioned in the code. The Vlkru is that, of which details are not fully mentioned in the code, but have to be borrowed from the Prakriti