सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

especially in the schools of the sout- hern grammarians. Haradatta was a Dravida Brahmana, residing in a village on the Bank of Kaveri. His scholarship in Grammar was very sound and he is believed to have commented on many grammar- works.The only fault of the scholar was a very keen sense of egotism which is found in his work, altho- ugh it can certainly be said that the egotism was not ill-placed and could be justified; cf. एवं प्रकटितोस्माभिर्भाष्ये परिचयः परः। तस्य निःशेषतो मन्ये प्रतिपत्तापि दुर्लभः॥ also प्रक्रियातर्कगहने प्रविष्टो हृष्टमानसः हरदत्तहरिः स्वैरं विहरन् केन वार्यते । Padamajari, on P. I-1- 3, 4. The credit of popularising Panini's system of grammar in Southern India goes to Haradatta to a considerable extent.

हरि a short form used for भर्तृहरि, the stalwart grammarian Bhartrhari,by later grammarians and comme- ntators in their references to him. See the word भर्तृहरि above.

हरिकृष्ण a scholar of grammar who wrote a short treatise on the nature and function of prepositions named उपसर्गवाद.

हरिणि name of a kind of svarabhakti when r ( र् ) followed by s ( श् ) and s ( स् ) is read as र + इ +श् and र + इ +स् respectively.

हरितादि a class of words headed by the word इरित to which the taddhita affix फक् ( अायन ) is added in the sense of a descendant after the affix अ ( अञ् ) has already been added to them by P. IV. 1. 104, the word so formed possessing the sense of the great grandchild (युवापत्य) of the individuals denoted by इरित and others; e. g. हारितायनः; cf. इह् तु गोत्राधिकारेपि सामर्थ्याद् यूनि प्रत्ययो- भिघीयते Kas. on P, IV.1.100

हरिदत्त a grammarian who wrote a commentary on the Unadi Sutras, called उणादिसूत्रटीका.

हरेिदीक्षित a reputed grammarian of the Siddhantakaumudi school of Panini who lived in the end of the seventeenth century. He was the grandson of Bhattoji Diksita and the preceptor of Nagesabhtta. His commentary named लधुशब्दरत्न, but popularly called शब्दरत्न on Bhattoji Diksita's Praudhamanorama, is widely studied by pupils along with the Praudhamanorama in the Vyakaranapathasalas. There is a work existing in a manuscript form but recentlv taken for print- ing, mamed 'Brhatsabdaratna' which has been written by Hari- diksita, although some scholars beiieve that it was written by Nagesa who ascribed it to his preceptor. For details see लधुशब्दरत्न.

हरिनाथद्विवेदी a grammarian of the nineteenth century who has written a commentary named अकाण्डताण्डव on Nagesa's Paribhasenduse- khara.

हरिभास्कर ( अग्निहोत्री ) a grammarian of the Deccan who lived in the seventeenth century at Nasik and wrote commentaries on grammar- works out of which his treatise on Paribhasas ( परिभाषाभास्कर ) written independently but based upon Siradeva's Paribhasavrtti, deserves a special notice and mention.

हरिराम ( इरिराम केशव काळे ) a modern grammarian who has written a commentary named Ksika on Kondabhatta's Vaiyakaranabhu- sanasara. He lived in the second half of the eighteenth century and the commentary Kasika was written by him in 1797, He is said to have been a pupil of the great