सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

which is called प्रवृत्तिनिमित्त in the case of nouns, and क्रिया in the case of verbs; cf. also आनिर्दिष्टार्थाः प्रत्ययाः स्वार्थे भवान्ति M. Bh. on P. III. 2. 4 Vart. 2.

स्वार्थिक prescribed (after a base) in the sense of itself; i.e. in the sense of the base. The word is used in connection with a large number of tad. affixes which are prescribed without any special sense at- tached to them; vide P. V.3.36 to P. V. 4.67. The Samasanta affixes prescribed from P.V.4.68 onwards can also be called स्वार्थिक; cf. स्वार्थिकाश्च प्रकृतितो लिङ्गवचनान्यनुवर्तन्ते । M.Bh. on P. V. 4. 14, 27. See the word स्वार्थ.

स्वाश्रय possessed as its own, as contrasted with artificial or inten- tionally stated ( आनुदेशिक ); cf. अस्त्वत्र आनुदेशिकस्य वलादित्वस्य प्रतिषेधः । स्वाश्रयमत्र बलादित्वं भविष्यति M. Bh. on P. I. 1. 59 Vart. 6.


हू the last of the spirant consonants, which is a glottal, voiced letter called also ऊष्म or spirant of a part- ial contact, i. e. possessed of the properties कण्ठय, नादानुप्रदान, ऊष्म and ईषत्स्पृष्टत्व. This letter has been given twice in the Paninian alphabet, viz. the Mahesvara Sutras, and the Bhasyakara has given the pur- pose of it, viz. the technical utility of being included among soft consonants along with semi-vowels, nasals and the fifth, the fourth, and the third class-consonants (हश् अश् etc.),as also among the hard consonants along with the fourth and the third class-letters and spi- rants (झल्,). The second letter हू in हल् appears, however, to have only a technical utility,as the pur-

pose of its place there among spir- ants is served by the Jihvamuliya and the Upadhmaniya letters which are,in fact, the velar and the labial spirants respectively, besides the other three शू, षू and सू .The Rk Pratisakhya calls ह as a chest sound. For details, see Mahabhasya on the Siva Sutra हयवरट् Varttikas 1, 2 and 3.

(1) representation of the conso- nant हू with अ added for facility of pronunciation; (2) a technical term for the internal effort between विवृत and संवृत, which causes घोष in the consonants; cf. संवृतविवृतयोर्मध्ये मध्यमप्रक्रारे यः शब्दः क्रियते स हकारसंज्ञो भवति। संज्ञायाः प्रयेाजनं 'हकारो हचतुर्थेषु' इति ( तै. प्रा. २/९)। Tribhasyaratna on T.Pr. II.6; (3) name of an external effort causing घोष; cf. सांप्रतिके प्रकृतिस्थे कण्ठे सति हृकारो नाम बाह्यः प्रयत्नः क्रियते । तेन च व्यञ्जनेषु घोषो जायते। Vaidikabharana on T.Pr. II.6; (4) name of a kind of external effort of the type of अनुप्रदान found in the utterance of the consonant ( ह् ) and the fourth class-consonants; cf. हकारौ हृचतुर्थेषु T.Pr.II.9.

हंस्तपदा name given to a kind of svarabhakti, when the consonant. र, followed by ष्, is read as र + ष्+ ह्.

ह्कार See ह् as also ह.

हनु inside of the chin, mentioned as a स्थान or place which is touched by the tongue when a peculiar sound described as something like किट्-किट् is produced; cf क्रिट्किडाकरो हन्वां तिष्ठति R.T.10.

हृरदत्त name of a reputed gramma- rian of Southern India who wrote a very learned and scholarly com- mentary, named पदमञ्जरी, on the Kasikavrtti which is held by gramm- arians as the standard vrtti or gloss on the Sutras of Panini,and studied