सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

of the penultimate vowel which has been lengthened by Vrddhi , before the causal sign णि and (b) the optional lengthening of the ; penultimate vowel before the affix चिण् and णमुल्, For a complete list of 'mit' roots see Dhaatupaatha.

मितवृत्यर्थसंग्रह name of a grammatical - work on the Sutras of Paanini by Udayana.

मिताक्षरा name of a commentary on the Saarasvatasaara, written by Hari- deva.

मिन् tad. affix in the sense of posses- sion added to the word गो; e.g. गोमिन् , cf. ज्योत्स्रातामिस्रा ...गोमिन्मलिन- मलीमसा: P.V.2.114.

मिप् personal ending मि of the first person ( उत्तमपुरुष ) sing. Parasmaipada: cf. तिप्तस्झि...महिङ् P. III.4.78.

मिश्र roots taking personal endings of both the Padas; Ubhayapadin roots; this term मिश्र is given in Bopadeva's grammar.

मिश्री a popular name given to the commentary written by मैरवमिश्र on the Paribhaasendusekhara in popular use by grammarians.

मीय tad. affix मीय along with म ( मण्) applied to the word मध्य in the sense of a case-affix ( locative case-affix) e.g. मध्यमीय ; cf मण्मीयौ च प्रत्ययौ वक्तव्यौ Kaas. on P. IV.3.60.

मुक् augment म् prefixed to the affix अान (i.e. शानच् , चानश् , and शानन्) of the pres. part. Atmanepada; e. g. एधमान:, वर्धमानः पवमानः, यजमानः, etc.; cf. आने मुक् P. VII. 2. 82. See मान.

मुख aperture of the mouth; the main place of the utterance of a letter.

मुखनासिकावचन definition of अनुनासिक, a letter which is pronounced through both-the mouth and the nose-as contrasted with नासिक्य a

letter which is uttered only thr- ough the nose; e.g. ड्, ञ् , ण्, न् , म् and the nasalized vowels and nasalized य् , व् and ल्; cf. मुखनासि- क्रावचनेीSनुनासिकः Paan. I. 1.8: cf. also अनुस्वारोत्तम अनुनासिकाः (T. Pr. II.30), where the fifth letters and the anu- svaara are called anunaasika. Accor- ding to Bhattoji, however, anu- svaara cannot be anunaasika as it is pronounced through the nose alone, and not through both-the mouth and the nose. As the anu- svaara is pronounced something like a nasalized ग् according to the Taittiriyas it is called a consonant in the Taittiriya Praatisaakhya: cf. ' अनुस्वारोप्युत्तमवह्यञ्जनमेव अस्मच्छाखायाम् । अर्धगकाररूपत्वात् । Com. on T. Pr. II. 30.

मुखसुखार्थ a mute letter added to an affix or a substitute cr the like, which does not really form a part of the affix etc., but which simply facilitates the utterance of it: cf. अथ मुखसुखार्थस्तकार: दकारोपि ! M. Bh. on I.1.1, VI.1.87; cf. also अादति तकारो मुखसुखार्थः, न त्वयं तपरः Kaas. on P. III.2.171.

मुख्य main, , principal, primary substantive as contrasted with a gualifying substantive;cf.गौणमुख्ययो- मुख्ये कार्यसंप्रत्ययः Par. Sek. Pari. 15.

मुख्यविशेष्यthe principal word in a sentence which comes last in the technical expression of the import or शाब्दबोध. It is described as primary and not subordinated to any other thing ( अन्याविशेषणीभूत). This मुख्यविशेष्य is, in a way,the cru- cial point in the various theories of import; e.g. according to the grammarians the verbal activity is the principal word while,according to the Mimaamsakas the bhaavanaa is the principal word.and accord-