सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

कृषीष्ट cf. P. III. 4.107.

सुधाञ्जन an anonymous commentary on the Siddhantakaumudi of Bhattoji Diksita.

सुप् (1) locative case affix सु: (2) short term for case-affixes, as formed by the syllable सु (the nom. sing. affix) at the beginning and the final consonant प् of सुप्, the locative plural case-affix in the rule स्वौजसमौट्...ङ्योस्सुप् P. IV. 1.2. These case affixes are called 'vibhakti' also. These सुप् affixes are elided after an indeclinable word; cf. अव्ययादाप्सुपः P. II. 4.82; in Veda स्, शे ( ए ), या, डा, ड्या, याच् and अाल् as seen, are substituted for these case affixes, which some- times are even dropped or assimi- lated with the previous vowel of the base; e. g. सन्तु पन्थाः, आर्द्रे चर्मन् etc. cf, P. VII. 1.39. These case- affixes are as a rule, grave-accent- ed (अनुदात्त) excepting in such cases as are mentioned in P. VI.1. 166 to 184 and 191.

सुपद्मव्याकरण an independent work on grammar written by a scholar of grammar named पद्मनाभ, who fourished in Mithila in the fifteenth century A. D.

सुपद्मव्याकरणटीका a commentary written by a scholar of grammar named विष्णुमिश्र on the Supadma- vyakarana, which see above.

सुपद्मसमाससंग्रह a treatise written by a grammarian named रूपनारायण, on the सुपद्मव्याकरण, which see below.

सुपद्मसमाससंग्रहटीका a commentary by a grammarian named विष्णुमिश्र, on the सुपद्मसमाससंग्रह which see above.

सुप्सुप्समास a popular name given to a compound formed of two nouns, which cannot be ordinarily explained by the rules of grammar

laid down in definite terms by Panini in II.1.5I to II. 2.29. These so called irregular compounds are explained as formed in accord- ance with the rule सह सुपा II. 1.4 wherein the word पद presents it self by अनुवृत्ति from सुबामन्त्रिते पराङ्गवत् स्वरे II. 1. 2, the rule सह सुपा as a result being explained as सुप् सुपा सह समस्यते. As these compounds cannot be put under the topics of अव्ययीभाव, तत्पुरुष and others mentioned by Panini in II. 1.5 to II. 2.29 they are called सुप्सुप्स- मास or केवलसमास.

सुबन्त name given to a word formed with the addition of a case-affix and hence capable of being used in a sentence by virtue of its being called a पद by the rule सुप्तिङन्तं पदम् The ancient grammarians gave four kinds of words or padas viz. नाम, अाख्यात, उपसर्ग and निपात which Panini has brought under two heads सुबन्त including नाम, उपसर्ग and निपात and तिङन्त standing for आख्यातः cf. सुप्तिङन्तं पदम् P. I. 4. 14.

सुबोधिनी name given to (1) a commentary on the Siddhantakaumudi by Krshamaunin or Jayakrsha- maunin; (2) a commentary on the Sarasvata Vyakarana by Amrita- bharati; (3) a commentary on the Sarasvata Vyakarana by Candra- kirti.

सुब्धातु a root formed from a noun or a subanta by the addition of any of the following affixes- क्यच् ( by P. III. 1.8, 10 and l9), काम्यच् (by P.III.1.9), क्यङ् (by P. III.1.1 1, 12 and 14-18), क्यष् (by P.III.1.13),णिङ् (by P III.1.20), णिच् (by P.III.1.21 and 25) and यक् (by P.III.1.27)and also by क्विप् or zero affix by P. III. b.11 Varttika 3. All these formations ending with the affixes mentioned above are termed roots