upon as antaranga; e. g. the टिलोप in स्रजिष्ठ ( स्रग्विन् + इष्ठ ) is looked upon as अन्तरङ्ग with respect to the elision of विन् which is बहिरङ्ग. This kind of antarangatva is, of course, not admitted by Nagesa although mentioned by him; cf. Par. Sek. Pari. 50, पूर्वान्त end of the previous. The word is used in connection with a vowel which is substituted for two vowels (एकादेश.). Such a substitute is look- ed upon as the ending vowel of the preceding word or the initial vowel of the succeeding word; it cannot be looked upon as both at one and the same time; cf. अन्तादिवच्च P. VI. 1. 85 and उभयत अाश्रयेण नान्तादिवत् Sira. Pari. 60; cf. also किं पुनरयं पूर्वान्तः अहोस्वित् परादिः अाहोस्विदभक्तः M. Bh. on I. 1. 47 Vart. 3. पूर्वान्तसस्वर belonging to the previous vowel in syllabication; e. g. a con- sonant at the end of a word or the first in a consonant group ( संयोग ). पूर्वापरपाद name given to the second pada of the second adhyaya of Panini's Asadhyayi which begins with the Sutra पूर्वापराधरोत्तरमेकदेशिनैका- धिकरणे P. II. 2.1. पृक्त lit. mixed. The term is used in the Pratisakhya works in connec- tion with the vowel ऋ or ऌ which is looked upon as a पृक्तस्वर being mixed with the consonant र् or ल्; cf. पृक्तस्वरो नाम ऋकारः ऌकारश्च रेफलकारसं- पृक्तत्वात् com. on T.Pr.XIII.16. पृथक् separately as far as hearing is concerned; distinctly separate from another; cf. सप्त स्वरा ये यमास्ते पृथग्वा R. Pr. XIII. 17. पृथग्योगकरण framing a separate rule for a thing instead of mentioning it along with other things in the |
same context, which implies some purpose in the mind of the author such as anuvrtti in subsequent rules, option, and so on; cf. पृथग्यो- गकरणमस्य विधेरनित्यत्वज्ञापनार्थम् Kas. on P. I.3.7; cf. also Kas. on I.3.33, I. 3. 84, I.4.58, III.1.56, IV.1.16, VII. 4.33, VIII.1.52, VIII.1.74. पृथ्वादि a class of words headed by the word पृथु to which the taddhita affix इमन् ( इमनिच् ) is added option- ally with the other usual affixes अण्, त्व and तल् in the sense of 'nature'; e. g. प्रथिमा, पार्थवम् , पृथुत्वम् , पृथुता; similarly म्रदिमा, मार्दवम् मृदुत्वम्, मृदुता पटिमा पाटवम् , पटुता पटुत्वम् ; cf. KS. om P.V.1.122. पृथ्वीधराचार्य a grammarian of the Eastern school who wrote the treatise कातन्त्रविवरण on Katantra Grammar. पृषोदरादि a group of words, with irre- gularity in the coalescence of the two constituent members, collect- ed together by Panini and men- tioned together with the word पृषोदर at the head; cf. पृषोदरादीनि यथोपदिष्टम् P.VI. 3. 109; cf. also येषु लोपागमवर्णविकारः शास्त्रेण न विहिताः, दृश्यन्ते च तानि, यथोपदिष्टानि साधूनि भवन्ति । पृषोदरम् , बलाहकः, जीमूतः, पिशाचः, वृसी, मयूरः,पयोपवसनानाम्, दूढ्यः etc. Kas. on P.VI. 3.109. पेज tad. affix added to the word तिल optionally with the affix पिञ्ज; e. g. तिलपेजः. See पिञ्ज. पेदुभट्ट a grammarian.who has written a treatise named औणादिकपदार्णव on the Unadi sutras. पैलादि a class of words headed by the word पैल, the tad. affix in the sense of युवन् applied to which (words) is elided; e.g. पैलः पिता, पैलः पुत्रः ; for details see Kas. on P.II.4. 59. |
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्