सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

सति R.Pr.II.11;cf. also नेादात्तस्वरितेादयं P.V.III.4.67.

उदयंकर surnamed pāṭhaka who wrote a commentary on the Laghuśab- denduśekhara named Jyotsna and a very critical work on Paribhāṣās similar to Sīradeva's Paribhāṣāvṛtti; the work is incomplete.

उदयकीर्ति author of a treatise giving rules for the determination of the pada or padas of roots; the trea- tise is named पदव्यवस्थासूत्रकारिकाटीका He was a Jain grammarian, and one of the pupils of Sādhusundara.

उदात्त the acute accent defined by Pāṇini in the words उचैरुदात्त: P.I.2. 29. The word उच्चैः is explained by Patañjali in the words 'आयामो दारुण्यं अणुता स्वस्य इति उचैःकराणि शब्दस्य' where आयाम (गात्रनिग्रह restriction of the organs), दारुण्य (रूक्षता rudeness ) and स्वस्य अणुता ( कण्ठस्य संवृतता closure of the glottis) are given as specific characteristics of the acute accent. The acute is the prominent accent in a word-a simple word as also a compound word-and when a vowel in a word is possessed of the acute accent, the remaining vowels have the अनुदात्त or the grave accent. Accent is a property of vowels and consonants do not possess any independent accent. They possess the accent of the adjoining vowel connected with it. The acute accert corresponds to what is termed 'accent' in English and other languages.

उदात्ततर raised acute, a tone slightly higher than the acute tone which is mentioned in connection with the first half of a circumflex vowel; cf. तस्योदात्ततरोदात्तादर्धमात्रार्धमेव वा R.P.III.2.

उदात्तनिर्देश conventional understand- ing about a particular vowel in the wording of a sūtra being

marked acute or Udātta, when ordinarily it should not have been so, to imply that a Pari- bhāṣā is to be applied for the interpretation of that Sūtra: cf. उदात्तनिर्देशात्सिद्धम् P.VI.1.13 Vārt.14, also Sīra. Pari. 112.

उदात्तमय an accent made up of Udātta, i. e. an accent which is a reduced Udātta.It is called also प्रचय. It is mentioned in connection with an acute vowel following इति in the Padapāṭha, according to Kāṇva's view;cf. उदात्तमयोन्यत्र नीच एव अन्तोदान्तमध्योदात्तयोः पर्वणोरन्यत्र इति कार- णात् परो नीच उदात्तमय एव भवति प्रचित एव भवतीत्यर्थः com. on V.Pr. I.150

उदात्तश्रुति the same as एकश्रुति, accent- less tone, mentioned in connection with the latter half of a circumflex vowel as also with a grave vowel or vowels, if not followed by another acute or circumflex vowel; cf. नोदात्तस्वरितोदयं. P.VIII.4.67.

उदात्तसम similar to Udātta although not exactly acute, which character- izes the latter half of the circum- flex vowel; cf. उदात्तसमश्शेषः T.Pr.I.42.

उदाहरण a grammatical example in explanation of an interpretation; cf. नैकमुदाहरणमसवर्णग्रहणं प्रयोजयति P.VI. 1.11.

उदित् characterized by short उ as a mute indicatory vowel, by virtue of which the word कु, for instance, signifies along with क् its cognate consonants ख्, ग्, घ् and ङ् also; cf. अणुदित्सवर्णस्य चाप्रत्ययः P.I.I.69. Roots marked with उ as mute get the augment इ optionally added before the kṛt affix क्त्वा; e g- शमित्वा and शान्त्वा from the root शम् ( शमु ) by virtue of the rule उदितो वा P.VII.2.56.

उदुपधत्व possession of short उ as the penultimate letter, e. g. इदुदुपधस्य चाप्रत्ययस्य P.VII.3.41.