सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:ईशानशिवगुरुदेवपद्धतिः (प्रथमः भागः).djvu/६७

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति


Auuuurapauu 63 The following stanzas describe the form of Bhadrakäli and Agni to be meditated upon by the Sadhaka in using the Mantra. काली कालघनोपमा त्रिणयना शूलासिखट्वाङ्गकान् नागं दक्षिणतोऽन्यतो डमरुकं मुण्डं च खेटं करैः।

बिभ्राणास्रकपालकं च विलसद् दंष्ट्राहि भूषोज्ज्वला

ध्येया पिङ्गकपर्दसद्भटशिरोमाला सुनीलाम्बरा ।। त्रिलोचनो मेषगत: कपर्दीस्रुवं च शक्ति वरदामये च ।

भुजैर्दधत् कुङ कुमपिङ्गवर्णो विभूषितोऽग्निर्धवलाम्बराद्यैः॥

There are some Mantras used for enchantising. Mahendra, Manmatha, Vidya, and Nityakhnna are effective for this purpose. There are certain preparations in the form of ink and ointment to achieve this end. It is said by applying the ink on the eyes, the sādhaka will be able to achieve his desires like getting hidden treasures, attracting ladies for carnal pleasures etc. (49) In this section medical treatment of cows forms the subject. Mantras are also prescribed for the same. Diseases of the cows and their remedies are enumerated. Some of the diseases and their treatment are noted as follows: आरग्वधत्वचा रात्रि लोणं चिञ्चाफलं तथा ।

शुक्ते पिष्ट्वा हरेत् पीतं गवामुदरबृंहणम् 

क्षीरे पिष्ट वा तिलान् पाठामूलं कार्पासपत्रयुक् । पाययेद् गां तु गोतके गोविषूचीं हरेत् क्षणात् ॥

Mantras may be written on leaves or metal plates to be tied on the neck of the cows to ward off evil effects and diseases. Such amulets may be tied to cowsheds also for their protection.

(50) The section deals with different substances and their modifications due to chemical and other reactions. The preparation of asafoetida, camphor, musk and camphor oil are mentioned. Melting agents of different metals are enumerated with their modes of preparation. (51) In this section certain preparations for amusement are : suggested. Methods to cause delusion are prescribed for the amusement of the people. A wide variety of jugglery is noted here. Some of the interesting items may be noted here. बीजपूरकतैलं तु ताम्रपत्रे निधाय तु । धर्मे निधाय मध्याह्ने रथी सूर्योऽत्र दृश्यते ॥