पृष्ठम्:A Sanskrit primer (1901).djvu/२२९

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. 213 çatru m., enemy. 1 Çūra m., hero. çabda m., sound, noise, word. Grgāla m., jackal. V çam (cámyati) become quiet, çeşa m. n., rest, remainder. be extinguished, go out. çeşa m., a fabulous snake sup- çayyā f., bed, couch. porting the earth. çara m., arrow. 1 çram (frāmyati: 131) become çarana n., protection. weary. çarad f., autumn; year. çrama m., pains, trouble. çurīra n., body. crāddha n., oblation to the Manes çarva m., n. pr., a name of Çiva. (cf. in Voc. 16). çākhā f., branch; edition, red-V çri tā (āçrayate) go for pro- action. tection, take refuge with (acc.). çanti f., repose. çrī f., luck, fortune, riches; as bless 1 ças(çāste) command; rule; pun-1 n. pr., goddess of fortune; as ish. prefix to proper names, famous, cāstſ m., governor, punisher. honorable, etc. çastra n., science; text-book. çrimant a., rich; famous. 1 çikş (çikșate) learn. 1 çru (crnóti, çrnuté: 391) hear; in çikhara m., summit. caus. (crāváyati) make hear, i.e. çiras n., head. recite, proclaim (acc. pers.). çiva a., beneficent, gracious; bless. çruta part. of cru; as n., learning. ed; as m., n. pr., a god. çruti f., hearing; holy writ. çiçu m., child. greyas a., better; best; çreyas as j'çiş (çinášți) leave, leave remain: 1., salvation. ing; — + ava remain over, sur-çvan (269) m., dog. vive; – + ud idem; - tvi set çvaçura m., father-in-law. apart, distinguish. craçrū f., mother-in-law. çisya m., pupil, scholar. çras adv., to-morrow. 1 çi (céte: 409) lie; sleep; - v çvas (çvásiti : 429) breathe; - +adhi lie asleep on (acc.). tsam-ă breathe gently: revive; çita a., cold. - tvi be confident; trust (gen. 1 çuc (cócati) grieve, sorrow. or loc.). çuci a., pure, clean. cveta a., white. çunahçepa m., n. pr. V çubh(çóbhate) be brilliant, shine. şaţtrinçat (329) num., thirty-six. çubha a., good; splendid. | șadaçīti (329) num., eighty-six. 1 çuş (çúsyatı) dry up. șaş (332) num., six. çūrlra m., man of the fourth caste. sașți (332) num., sixty. çūdratra n., condition of a Çūdra. şaştha, f. -i (334), a., sixth. up. Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®