सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः




Advancement of Learning, (Bacon, Archaeological Survey of Wes. con ), by Selby. Bombay. tern India, No, 10 ) Ainda School of Grammarians, |Chandakaus'ika, Calcutta, 1868. by Burnell. Chandikas'ataka, ( Indian Anti A marतंvati Stupa, by BurgeES, quary, Vol. I. ). (Archaeological Survey of South Chhandas Shtras of Pingala, (Bib. ern India, No3). liotheca Indica ). Anarglhya Raghava, See Murari Childers' Pali Texicon. Ancient Geography of India, Vol. | Chips from a German Workshop, T., by Gunningham by Max Muller. Anugita. See Sacred Books of the Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum, Bast. Vol. I., by Cunningham. Archaeological Survey Reports, by Dakakumaracharita, ( Bombay Burgess, Vols, I.-V. Sankrit Classics). Calcutta, 1869, Archaeologioal Survey Reports, by | and Bombay, 1884, (w1th tikas). Cunningham. Vols. T.-XVI Dasarpa, with commentary Aryavidyर्छqudhakata, by Yajnes' (Bibliotheca Indica ) var Sistr, Bombay. Deccan Poets, by Cavelly Venkat Barhub Stणैpa, by Cunningham. Ramaswam. Bombay, 1847. Barooah's English Sanskrit Dic- | Dhananjayavijaya, Calcutta, 1871. tionayVols. TIT. Dharnmasindhuskra, with Marathi Bhagavadgina, with Madhusudana, | Translation, Bombay . Sarasvafs Commentary, Bom- Dynasties of Southern India, by bay, 1880. R. M. Sewell. Bhagava tabhushana, by Gopala- | Essays, by Colebrooke2 Vols. chkeya, Bombay. Madras, 1872. Bhartharr's Satakas, ( Bombay | Essays, by Prinsep, edited by ho. Sanskrit Classics mas, 2 Vols. Bhilsa Topes, by Cunningham, Essays, by Wilson, edited by Dr Bibliographical Index to Histori P. B. Hall. ans of Tndia, by Sir H. Blliotb, } IFa-Eians Travels, by the RevS. Part. T. Beal Bgihadीranyaka Upanishad, ( Bib - Gadyapadyavali, by S. R. Kirlog. blotheca Indica ). kar. Bombay, 1876. Brihatsamhita, (ditto ). Garayatnamahodadhi, by JBggel- Buddha Gayi, by DrR. Mithra ing Part I. Buddhism, by Rhys Davids. Ealayudha's Dictionary, by Aufr. Cathay and the way thither, by echt. Col. Yule2 Vols. Harshacharita, Calcutta, 1876 Gave Inscriptions of Western In; | Hemachandra's Dictionary, by dia, by Burgess and Bhagvीula Rob 32 374 ABBREVIATIONS, EDITIONS, &C. Hindu Law, by V, N. Mandlik. Madras Journal of Literature and Hindu Law Digest, by West & Science, Vol. XIV. Bühler, (2nd Edition).. Mâgħa (S'is'upâlavadha). Calcutta, Hindu Theatre, (Wilson), by Dr. | 1869. F. E. Hall, 2 Vols. Mahâbhârata. Bombay Edition, History of Ancient Sanskrit Litera- Mahâbhâshya. Benares Edition. ture, by M. Muller. Maitri Upanishad, ( Bibliotheca History of India, Elphinstone), Indica ). 5th Edition, by Cowell, Malati Mâdhava, (Bombay Sans. History of India, (Sir, H. Elliott), krit Classics). edited by Professor Dowson, Malavikâgnimitra, (Bombay Saps. History of India, by Meadows krit Classics). Taylor. Mallikâmâruta, Calcutta, 1878. History of Indian Literature, by Manu Smriti, Bombay, 1868. Weber (Trubner's Oriental Marco Polo, by Col. Yule, 2 Vols. Series ). Medini Kos'a. Calcutta. 1873. Ibn Batuta, by Leo, London, 1829. | Meghaduta. Calcutta, 1870. India: What it can teach us, by Mohamudgara in Kâvyasangraha. M. Muller, Calcutta, 1872. Indian and Eastern Architecture, Mrichchhakatika, Calcutta, 1870. by Fergusson. Murári Nataka. Calcutta, 1875. Indian Antiquary, Vols. 1-XII. Nâgånanda with Marathi Transla- Janaki Pariņaya, with Marathi tion, Bombay, 1863. Translation, Bombay. Nirukta, Biblotheca Indica). Journal Asiatic Society, Bengal. Nitis'ataka, (Bombay Sanskrit Classics). „ Bombay Branch Royal Asia- tic Society. Nonmissionary Religions, (Lyall's ✓ Ceylon Branch Royal Asian Asiatic Studies). tic Society. Panchatantra, Bombay Sanskrit Royal Asiatic Socity of Classics). Great Britain and Ireland. Panini, ( Áshtâdhyâyî). Calcutta, 1863. » » New Series, | Pâņini, by Goldstücker. Kadambari (Bombay Sanskrit Paryâtipărinaya with Marathi Classics ). Translation, Bombay, Kamandaki Nitis&ra, by D. R, Pingala. See Chhandas Satras, Mitra. (Bibliotheca Indica), Prabodhachadrodaya, Calcutta, Kanarese Dynasties, by Fleet. (Ro- 1874. printed from Bombay Gazetteer). Prasanna Raghava, Calcutta, 1872. Kathâsaritsângara, by Brockhaus.' Priyadars’ikả. Calcutta, 1875. Kavicharitra, by Janardan tâm, 1 Raguyams'a. Calcutta, 1870. chandraji, Bombay. Râmâyana, by Muktes'vara (Sar- Kirâtârjuniya. Calcutta, 1869. vasangraha). Bombay, 1860. Kirtikaumudi, (Bombay Sanskrit Ratnávali. Calcutta, 1865. Classics). Religions of India, by Barth. Kumarasambhava, Bombay, 1873. Report on Saskrit MSS. by Biella Kuvalayananda. Bombay, 1856. Lists of Antiquities of Madras, by Ritusamhära. Calcutta, 100g Sewell, Vol. I, ( Archæological Sacred Books of the East. Yos. Survey of Southern India). . VII. Sewell, Vol. I.S of Madras, by Ritra, Bombay, 1881. Survey of Sci Archäological abusamhära. Calcuttr. 1860 ABBREVIATIONS, EDITIONS, &C. 375 Sábitya Darpana, Calcutta, 1869. Transactions of the Orientalists Såhitya Parichaya, by Nîlamaņi Congress in London. Mukarji. Calcutta, 1880-83. Transactions of do. Compilation, by S'aka, Samvat and Gupta Eras, by Trübner. Fergusson. Unâdi Sûtras, by Aufrecht, S'âkuntala, by Monier Williams. Useful Tables, by Prinsep, in Tho- Samson Agonistes, by J. P. Hugh mas's Edition of Prinsep's lings, Bombay, 1861. Essays, Vol. II. S'ånkara Blâshya, (Bibliotheca Ottararâmacharita, Calcutta, 1870. Indica). Vachaspatya, Dictionary of Pro- S'ankaravijaya, by Ânandagiri, | fessor Târânâth. (Bibliotheca Indíca). Vâsavadattâ, (Bibliotheca Indica). S'ankaravijaya; by Madhavâcha Ventsambâra. Calcutta, 1868. rya, Bombay. Viddhas'âlabbâñjika. Caloutta, Sânkhyakârikâ in Sânkhyatatt- 1873. vakaumudi. Calcutta, 1871. Vikramankacharita,(Bombay Sans- Sanskrit Texts, by J. Muir, krit Classics). Sarasvatikanthâbharaṇa, by Baro- Vikramorvaa'i, (Bombay Sanskrit oah, Calcutta. Classics ), Sarvadars'anasangraha. Calcutta, Viracharita, edited by Trithen. 1871. Visliņupurâņa, by Wilson, edited Siddhanta Kaumudi, 2 Vols., by by Dr. F. E. Hall. Professor Târânáth. Calcutta, Yâjšavalkya Mitåksharâ, Bombay. 1863. | The abbreviations used in this South Indian Palæography, by Volume will be easily understood Burnell, 2nd Edition. from the full names here given.

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