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पृष्ठम्:Sanskrit Introductory.djvu/१५४

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एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Panini: a grammarian (circa 350 bc) whose work, the Astadhyayi, fully describes the grammar of Sanskrit in minute detail. No other language, to this day, has been so perfectly described. [78, 114] Pum-linga, masculine: one of the three grammatical genders. [26, 50, 65] Purusa, 'person': grammatical person, distinction in verbal suffix denoting the per- son or thing spoken of (prathama-purusa), spoken to (madhyama-purusa), and the person speaking (uttama-purusa). [9] Purna-virama, (II) full stop: indicates the end of a verse or end of a paragraph. [63] Pragrhya, 'to be taken separately': excep- tions to sandhi rules. [81] Pranava Sabda: a name applied to the mystical symbol -S>. [63] Pratyaya, suffix: general name for any type of suffix. [82] Prathama-Purusa, 'first person': gram- matical person, distinction in verbal suffix denoting the person or thing spoken of ( = English third person). [9] Prathama Vibhakti, first case: (1) nomi- native suffix of nouns and adjectives. [26, 51] (2) and vocative. [38] Prayatna, effort: the method of articulat- ing sounds: divided into dbhyantara- and bdhya-prayatna. [13] Prana, 'breath': see alpa-prdna and mahd- prana. [14] Pratipadika, word stem: the stem form (i.e. without any case ending) of a noun or adjective, as found in the dictionary. [26, 91] Pluta, 'prolonged': the prolonged measure, or vowels having this measure. [1,5,81] Bahu-vacana, 'many-speaking': the gram- matical plural number; the word suffix indicating that many (more than two) persons or things are referred to. See also eka- dvi-vacana. [17, 26] BahuvrThi Samasa, a descriptive com- pound: a compound forming an adjective qualifying an external noun. [83, 89] Bahya-prayatna, outer effort: the method (external to the mouth, i.e. the throat) of articulating sounds. [13, 73] Bindu, 'dot': the anusvdra mark above a vowel. [63] Bhasa, speech: verbal voice, see atmane-, parasmai-, ubhayato-bhasa. [113] Madhyama-Purusa, 'middle person': the second grammatical person; distinction in verbal suffix denoting the person spoken to ( = English second person). [9] Maha-prana, 'great breath': a character- istic of those consonants uttered with extra breath. [14, 73] Matrka: name applied to the first sixteen sounds of the Sanskrit alphabetical order. [6] Matra, 'measure': the length or duration for which a vowel is sounded; these may be hrasva dirgha or pluta. [1, 2] Murdhanya, cerebral: the mouth position associated with the pronunciation of r, ta- varga, ra and sa. [13, 23, 73] Repha: traditional name for ra which, unlike other sounds, does not use the -kara suffix. [21] La-kara, /-affixes: a common term for the ten primary tenses and moods of Sanskrit verbs. [17] Lat: a technical term for the present indicative (simple present tense); one of the la-kara. [17, 104] Linga, grammatical gender: there are three genders, pum- stri- napumsaka-linga. [26] Vacana, 'speaking': grammatical number; the word suffix that one, two, or more persons or things are referred to. See eka- dvi- bahu-vacana. [17, 26]