सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:वेदान्तसारः (सदानन्दः).djvu/१८४

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

NOTES. 173 in the Bhasya on sutra 2. 3. 14, and the second in Anandagiri's conmentary thereon. Page 125. विशेषणाभावे विशिष्टभावन्यायेन. See Laukikanya- yasangraha (Benares edn .) p. 148 and Mallinatha on tarkikaraksa, p. 230. अभिहितान्वयमतवत्। 'The abhihitanvayavadins, or Nai- yayikas, hold that the logical connection among the notions belonging to the several words in a sentence is apprehended after they are severally conveyed". The anvitabhidhanavadins, or Mimamsakas, on the other hand, hold that "no meaning in severalty is conveyed by any word, or no notion exists but in con nection with another; so that then only do words really mean anything when they are joined into a sentence.' Pramadadasa , Mitra's ITrans.. of Sahityadarpana, page 163. The whole note should be read. So, too, that of Prof. Cowell on page 202 of Translation of Sarvadar sanasangraha, which slightly modifies the above. Page 134. “हिंसानुग्रहयोरनारम्भी.' This is a combination of two sutras which stand thus in Stenzler's edition:- “समो भूतेषु हिंसानुग्रहयोः ॥ २४ ॥ अनारम्भी ॥ २५ ॥.११ Dr. Bihler translates as follows:-He shall be indifferent towards (all) creatures, (whether they do him) an injury or a kindness. He shall not undertake (any thing for his temporal or spiritual welfare)”. ,