सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

augment नुम् is inserted after the last vowel of the base, and the root receives such modifications as are caused by a Sarvadhatuka affix, the affix शतृ being looked upon as a Sarvadhatuka affix on account of the indicatory letter श्. The word ending in this affix शतृ governs a noun forming its object, in the accusative case.

शात्रुस्वर the acute accent specifically stated for the vowel of the case- affix beginning with a vowel etc. prescribed by the rule शतुरनुमो नद्य- जादी P. VI. 1.173; cf. शतृस्वर । तुदती नुदती ... शतुरनुमो नद्यजादिरन्तोदात्तादित्येष स्वरो यथा स्यात् M. Bh. on P. VIII. 2.6. Vart 2.

शध्यै, शध्यैन् krt affix अध्यै in the sense of the infinitive added, to a root as seen in the Vedic Literature; cf. तुमर्थे सेसेनसेअसेनूक्सेकसेनध्यैअध्यैनूकध्यैकध्यैन्- शध्येशध्यैनूतवैतवेङ्कतवेनः, P. III. 4.9.

शप् a vikarana affix ( conjugational sign ) applied to roots of the first conjugation and in general to all secondary roots i. e. roots formed from nouns and from other roots before personal-endings which are Sarvadhatuka and which possess the sense of agent, provided there is no other vikarana affix prescrib- ed; e. g. भवति, एधते, कारयति, हारयति, बुभूपति, पुत्रीयति, पुत्रकाम्यति, कामयते, गेीपायति, कण्डूयति, पटयति, दिनन्ति (यामिन्यः) etc. cf. कर्तरि शप्, P. III.1 .68. This affix शप् is dropped after roots of the second conjugation (अदादि) and those of the third conjugation ( जुहोत्यादि) and in Vedic Literature wherever observed; cf. P.II.4.72, 73, 75, 76.

शबरस्वामिन् a grammarian to whom a metrical treatise on genders named लिङ्गानुशासन is ascribed. This शवरस्वा- मिन् was comparatively a modern grammarian who was given the

title बालयोगीश्वर. This लिङ्गानुशासन has a commentary written by हृर्षवर्धन Evidently these grammarians शबरस्वामिन् and हृर्षवर्धन are different from the famous author of the मीमांसाभाष्य and the patron of the poet Bana respectively.

शबादेश the Vikarana affixes श्यन् , श, श्रम्, उ and श्रा according to those who hold the view that these affixes do not form the exceptions of शप्, but they are substituted for शप् . cf. शबादेशाः शयन्नादयः करिष्यन्ते M. Bh. on P. I.1.27, II.2.3, III.1.33 and III.1.67.

शब्द् lit. 'sound' in general; cf. शब्दं कुरु शब्दं मा कार्षीः । ध्वनिं कुर्वन्नेवमुच्यते । M.Bh. in Ahnika 1; cf. also शब्दः प्रकृतिः सर्ववर्णानाम् । वर्णपृक्तः शब्दो वाच उत्पत्तिः T. Pr. XXIII.1, XXIII.3.In grammar the word शब्द is applied to such words only as possess sense; cf. प्रतीतपदार्थको लोके ध्वनिः शब्दः M. Bh. in Ahnika I; cf.also येनोच्चरितेन अर्थः प्रतीयते स शब्दः Sringara Prakasa I; cf. also अथ शब्दानुशासनम् M.Bh. Ahnika I. In the Vajasaneyi-Pratisakhya, शब्द् is said to be constituted of air as far as its nature is concerned, but it is taken to mean in the Pratisakhya and grammar works in a restricted sense as letters possess- ed of sense, The vajasaneyi- Pratisakhya gives four kinds of words तिडू, कृत्, तद्धित and समास while नाम, आख्यात, निपात and उपसर्ग are described to be the four kinds in the Nirukta. As शब्द in grammar, is restricted to a phonetic unit possessed of sense, it can be appli- ed to crude bases, affixes, as also to words that are completely formed with case-endings or perso- nal affixes. In fact, taking it to be applicable to all such kinds, some grammarians have given tweive subdivisions of शब्द, viz. प्रक्रुति, प्रत्यय,