सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

Poona and did the work of teaching and writing commentaries. He has written a commentary mamed शांकरी on the Vaiyakaranabhusanasara of Kondabhatta.

शंखध्म name given to a Yama letter in the Siksa treatises.

शकन्धुक name of a class of words in whose case the last vowel of the first word does not coalesce with the first vowel of the next word; e. g. शक अन्धुक ईश । अक्षपा असि । वपा इव त्मना । सुपथा अकृण्वन् । cf. शकन्धुकादीनाम् R.T.87 which is ex- plained by the commentator as शकन्धुकादीनां च न संनिकृष्यते.

शकन्ध्वादि name of a class of words in which an irregular coalescence of the vowels of the kind of the latter vowel in the place of the former and latter both is observed; e.g. शकन्धुः, कुलटा, सीमन्तः,मनीषा etc.cf. कन्ध्वादिषु च (पररूपं वाच्यम् ) P.VI.1. 94 Vart. 4.

शक्त endowed with शक्ति i. e. the potentiality to express the sense; potent to show the particular Sense.

शक्ति potentiality of expressing the sense which is possessed by words permanently with them ;denota- tive potentiality or denotation; this potentiality shows the senses, which are permanently possessed by the words, to the hearer and is descri- bed to be of one kind by ancient grammarian as contrasted with the two (अभिघा and लक्षणा) mentioned by the modern ones. It is described to be of two kinds-(a) स्मारिका शक्ति or recalling capacity which com- bines चैत्रत्व with पाक, and अनुभावि- का शक्ति which is responsible for the actual meaning of a sentence. For details see Vakyapadiya III.

शक्य the substratum of potentiality

which forms the object pointed out by means of the potentiality to the hearer by the word (i.e. शब्द) which directly communicates the sense, in which case it is termed वाचक as contrasted with भेदक or द्योतक when the sense,which is of the type of संबन्ध is conveyed rather indirectly. This nice division into वाचकता and भेदकता was introduced clearly by भर्तृहरिः cf. Vakyapadtya Kanda 2.

शाङ्कटच् tad. affix शङ्कट applied opti- onally with the affix शालच् ( शाल ) to the prefix वि in the sense of the base itself ( स्वार्थे); e.g. विशङ्कटम् । विशालम् ।; cf. S.K. on P.V. 2.28; cf. Kas. on P.V.2.28 which states विशाले विशङ्कटे शृङ्गे । तस्माद् गौरपि विशङ्कट उच्यते ।

शीण्डकादि a class of words headed.by the word शण्डिक which have the taddhita affix य (त्र्य) added to them in the sense of "domicile' or 'native place'; e.g. शाण्डिक्यः, सार्व- सेन्यः, cf. Kas. on P. IV. 3. 92.

शत् tad. affix शत् as seen in the words त्रिंशत्, चत्वारिंशत् etc., cf. पङिक्तविंशतित्रि- शच्चत्वरिंशत् P. V.1.59.

शतपाद conventional name given to the fourth pada of the fifth adhyaya of Panini's Astadhyayi which begins with the sutra पादशतस्य संख्यांदेवींप्सायां वुन् लेपश्च P. V. 4.1.

शति tad. affix शति applied to the word द्वि to form the word विंशति; cf. P. V. 1. 59.

शतृ krt affix अत् in the sense of 'the agent of the present time', appli- ed to any root which takes the Parasmaipada personal affixes; cf. लटः शतृशानचावप्रथमासमानाधिकरणे P. III. 2.126,8. The words formed with this शतृ (अत्) affix are termed present participles in the declen- sion of which, by virtue of the indicatory vowel ऋ in शतृ, the