पृष्ठम्:प्रश्नोपनिषत् (श्रीरङ्गरामानुजः).pdf/१०४

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

II, 7-8.) PRASNOPANISHAD-BHASHYA 23 11. 7. Prajā patiścara si garbhe tvam era pratijäyase | tubhyam prāna prajastviimā balim haranti yah prancih pratitişthasi ! Thou alone the Prajāpati movest in the womb (of the creatures) and thou art born. These creatures take offerings (hali) to thee who act established by breaths. COMMENTARY: Prajapatis carasi......: You being the protector of (all) creatures move in the womb with the form of wind called breath ctc. (and) also being indeed of the form of the father ou account of being the cause of conception and its develop. inent are born as son and others contrary to your being its cause. Prana: O breath, these creatures of the form of movables and immovables tubhyam: are subservient to you, since, balim: the food etc., (offerings) haranti: upaharanti: (they) carry or take for you who are established in all creatures through the functions of breathing and others. II. 8. Devenam asi vahnitamaḥ pitrnām prathamā svadha rsinām caritam satyam atharvangirasām asi, I. Thou art the carrier (of oblations) to the gods : (thou art) the first oblation to the fathers: (thou art the true conduct of the seers. Atharvans and Angirasas, COMMENTARY: Devanam asi vahnitanah: the best carrier of oblations for the gods. pitrnām prathamā svadhā: you alone are the chief one who causes pleasure to the fathers Rşinām....... You are the most superior activity of the form of regular and occasional (nitya and naimittika) duties of the seers, Atharvans and Angirasas; this is the meaning,