सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:प्रश्नोपनिषत् (श्रीरङ्गरामानुजः).pdf/१०३

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

22 PRASNOPANISHAD.BHASHYA (11. 6. (liberally rendered it means that if any thing is dependent upon another thing then the former can be called by the name of the latter. Here the existence of Sürya depends upon the chief breath. Therefore Sürya is called the chief breath itself). rayir devah: That is the god who has become water; in other words the Moon. sad asat: The words sat and asat refer to the present and the non-present, or to the perceived and the non-perceived immediate and mediate objects) or to the gross and the subtle or the sentient and non-sentient. Amrta : refers to liberation, since it also depends uponi that (breath) II. G. Ara iva rathanabhau prane sarvam prati- sthitam ! Rco yajūnşi sāmäni yajnah kşatram brahman (castes). All is established in the breath even as the spokes are joined in the nave of the chariot. The rks, yajus and sămans: sacrifices, the ksatriya and the brahman (castes). COMMENTAKY: Arāh: the word 'arāh' means the sticks that lie between the nave and the felly of the wheel (of the chariot). The nave (nābhi) means the central part of the wheel. Just as the spokes are fixed in the nave even so are all established in this breath. sarvam: All. The meaning of 'all' is clearly elucidated by roo yajūmşi etc. Brahma kșatram ca: Here the words 'brahman and kşatra' indicate through secondary significance all the living creatures immovables and movables. Thus having described the quali. ties of the chief breath pointing out at Him with the finger to each other, now they (the other organs mentioned) praise Him addressing Him directly :