अस्मिन् विकि-जालस्थाने "Christian S" इदं पृष्ठं सृज्यताम् । तव अन्वेषणस्य परिणामाः अपि दृश्यन्ताम्
- the conclusion, that it was composed in the 11th or 12th century of the Christian era, "when the Pathan princes were pressing upon the Hindu sovereignties...५४२ B (११,७५९ शब्दाः) - ०५:४१, १२ अक्टोबर् २०१९
- consider the work to belong to the middle of the ninth century of the Christian era. It is now generally accepted that, among well-known early Indian...४२९ B (१,१०,२२९ शब्दाः) - १२:२१, २७ जुलै २०१८
- Book, the Buddhist Acta Sanctorum, a 0unterpart of the Legends of the Christian Saints. And they present many parallels to well-known stories of mediawal...३०६ B (५७,१६५ शब्दाः) - ०४:५३, ४ फेब्रवरी २०२०
- Buddhism. This is a language of the cen turies immediately preceding the Christian era. On the same level of development are the various dialects recorded...२६२ B (१,७४,३५८ शब्दाः) - १०:५९, २१ जुलै २०१८
- repeated here. The author lived in Benares in the 17th Century of the Christian era & was universally respected as the leading pandit of the age in Northern...३२१ B (१३,२२४ शब्दाः) - ०६:३४, २३ डिसेम्बर् २०१९
- 4° S 5° N 5° S 7° S 2° S 37° N 37° N 37° N 1°30' S 1°30' S 1°30' S 3° S 7° S 7° S 10° S 11° S 6° N 0 7° S 0 12° N 13° N 3° S 4° S 8°20' S 8°30' S 8°30'...४४२ B (९०,८६७ शब्दाः) - १०:२८, १५ मे २०२४
- towards the end of the 6th and in the first half of the 7th century of the Christian era. We shall set forth below a good deal of evidence which strongly corroborates...३६८ B (१,४१,४२० शब्दाः) - १०:३८, २७ जुलै २०१८
- IMHvaii t and Bijaganita, etc. He lived in the seventh century of the Christian era and was a contemporary of Brahmagupta (628 A. D.). To distinguish...४४७ B (५४,३६६ शब्दाः) - १०:२५, १५ मे २०२४
- lispublisheet 111 article on the work "Matta. vilasa-Prahasutia" in the Indras Christian College Nagazine उपोद्धातः। युवतिसमेतस्य कस्यापि कापालिकस्य मधुपानविभ्रमः...४६२ B (४,१३६ शब्दाः) - ०४:४३, २० डिसेम्बर् २०१९
- authors in question any more accurately than do, for instance, those of the Christian Fathers or the Scholastics the doctrines of Aristotle, or those of the...२५४ B (५६,११९ शब्दाः) - ०९:१३, ९ आगस्ट् २०१८
- king Bhoja himself is said to be living in the early centuries of the Christian Era quotes कालिदासा. Moreover, a Kanerese translation of Vikromorvasiayam...५३६ B (१२,३४३ शब्दाः) - १४:५०, २ जुलै २०२०
- king Bhoja himself is said to be living in the early centuries of the Christian Era quotes कालिदासा. Moreover, a Kanerese translation of Vikromorvasiayam...५६९ B (१२,३४७ शब्दाः) - १५:१२, २ जुलै २०२०
- 265) too it is said. –‘अश्रद्ध परमं पापं श्रद्धा पापप्रमोचनी’ । In the Christian scriptures, we read- e without faith it is impossible to please him [...३४२ B (३८,४०३ शब्दाः) - ०४:०९, ८ आगस्ट् २०१८