सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

 नाभ्यस्ता etc.--The proper scholarship for a cultured man, such as enables one to defeat hosts of disputants, has not been acquired. खड्गाग्रैः etc.--By the point of the sword strong to knock down the capacious temples of elephants, fame has not been carried to the heaven तारुण्यं etc.-Useless has youth passed away like a lamp in a deserted house.

विद्या नाधिगता कलङ्करहिता वित्तं च नोपार्जितं
शुश्रूषापि समाहितेन मनसा पित्रोर्न संपादिता ।
आलोलायतलोचनाः प्रियतमाः स्वप्नेऽपि नालिङ्गिताः
कालोऽयं परपिण्डलोलुपतया काकैरिव प्रेर्यते ॥४७॥

 विद्या नाधिगता etc .- Knowledge free from defect has not been mastered; कलङ्करहिता means 'free from doctrines incapable of proof.' वित्तं च etc.--Riches neither are earned. शुश्रुषापि etc,- Services to parents have not been rendered with single-mindedness . कालोऽयं etc.--Like crows, all the time has been passed in greediness for food, i.e., maintenance obtainable from) others

 [These three stanzas (Nos. 45, 46, 47) strike a rather anomalous mote. Here the poet personates a man whose life has been, like the lamp burning in a deserted abode, a thorough failure. Such a man is looking back on his youthful years of unmitigated worthlessness. But are the reflections he is making here typical of those who are at the threshold of true renunciation? By no means are they typical. The poet here simply takes up a particular case of an aspirant after renunciation which may just serve his poetical purposes best.