सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

befooled by this samsara (life) with occupations in which the same particulars repeat themselves !

 [The idea is : How profoundly deluded by desire we live ! For never growing old itself, it makes all things look fresh and new, otherwise no worldly pursuit has any real novelty. They are as stale as the uniform appearance of day and night, following each other.

न ध्यातं पदमीश्वरस्य विधिवत्संसारविच्छित्तये
स्वर्गद्वारकवाटपाटनपटुर्धर्मोऽपि नोपाजितः ।
नारीपीनपयोधरोरुयुगलं स्वप्नेऽपि नालिङ्गितं
मातुः केवलमेव यौवनवनच्छेदे कुठारा वयम् ॥ ४५॥

 [न ध्यातं etc. -The feet of the Lord have not been meditated upon (by me) in due form for he sake of doing away with this samsara or worldly bondage. स्वर्गद्वार-etc.—Neither has dharm (merit through performance of religious duties) been earned, such as is strong to knock open the gates of heaven. मातुः केवलमेव etc.- We have simply proved to be hatchets, as it were, to cut down the garden of our mother's youth, i.e., we have simply made our mother age through giving birth to us, that is the only result we find worthy of mention.]

नाभ्यस्ता प्रतिवादिवृन्ददनी बिघा बिनीतोचिता
खड्गाग्रै’: करिकुम्भपीठदलनैनकिं न नीतं यशः ।
कान्ताकोमलपल्लवररसः पीतो न चन्द्रोदये
तारुण्यं गतमेव पिञ्जलमहो शून्यालये दीपवत् ॥ ४६ ॥