सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

प्रति प्रत्यगात्मनोऽंशत्वम् | एवमंशत्वे यत्स्वभावोंडशभूतो जीवः, नैवमंशी परमात्मा ; सर्वत्र विशेषणविशेष्ययोः स्वरूपस्वभावभेदात् । एवं च 'कतां शास्त्रार्थवत्त्वात्' परात्तु तच्छ्रुतेः ?' इत्यनन्तरोक्तं च न विरुध्यते ।

एवं प्रकाशशरीरवज्जीवात्मनामंशत्वं पराशरादयः स्मरन्ति--
'एकदेशस्थितस्याग्नेर्ज्योत्स्ना विस्तारिणी यथा ।
परस्य ब्रह्मणः शक्तिस्तथेयमखिलं जगत् ॥'
'यत्त्किंचित्सृज्यते येन सत्त्वजातेन वै द्विज ।
तस्य सृज्यस्य संभूतौ तत्सर्वं वै हरेस्तनुः' ॥
'ते सर्वे सर्वभूतस्य विष्णोरंशसमुद्भवाः॥'

become a portion of the Brahman, who has them as His body. The individual souls which are portions of the Brahman, have their own inherent characteristics; but the Brahman, of whom the individuals souls are portions, does not possess those characteristics because the things and their attributes are always found to be distinct from each other in regard to their natural state and inherent characteristics. Thus no contradiction arises in what is stated in Sutras 11-3-33 and 40. That the individual souls are portions of the Brahman in the same way as luminosity, etc. is stated by Parasara and others- (1) 'The fire remains in one place; but its light spreads all round. In this way, all the worlds are the manifestations of the power of the Brahman' (Visnu 1-22-56). (2) 'Oh! twice-born one, which ever is created for its generation by an agent, it forms the body of Hari' (Visnu 1-22-38). (3) 'All these are produced from a portion of Visnu who appears as all beings' (Visnu 1-22-20).