सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्


THE Vedantasara is an easy and concise comnmentary on the BrahmaSutras of Badarayana who is believed to be identical with Vyasa, the famous author of the Mahabharata. The Vedantasara was written by Bhagavad Ramanuja(1017 to 1137 A.D.) in accordance with the views of the Visistadvaita school of Vedanta. Sri Ramanuja was born at Sriperumbudur near Kancipuram as the son of Kesavasomayajin and Bhudevi. He was the pupil of Mahapurna and younger contemporary of Sri Yamunacarya of Srirangam. His other works are: Sribhashya, Bhagavadgitabhashya, Vedarthasamgraha, Vedantadipa, Gadyatraya and Nityagrantha. Regarding the complete biography of Sri Ramanuja, the attention of the readers is drawn to the Ramanujacampu of Ramanujacarya, published in the Madras Govt. Oriental MS. Series No.6. His doctrine and teaching have been fully dealt with by Prof. P. N. Srinivasacarya in his book entitled 'The Philosophy of Visistadvaita' published in the Adyar Library Series No. 39. This system was first expounded by Sri Nathamuni, was developed to a great extent by Sri Yamunacarya through his works and was well preserved by Sri Ramanuja through his works like the