सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

 The third and fourth parts of the third chapter deal with various Brahmavidyas which lead men to Moksa and other aspirations according to their wishes.

 IV Adhyaya. The first two Sutras of the first part of the fourth chapter states thus: 'The knowing that is useful for the attainment of the final release, has to be repeated more than once.' Bhagavan Sri Krsna states thus: 'Worship Me, with a devotion, directed to nothing else. Whose minds are fixed on Me I lift them before long etc.' (Bhag. Gi. 12-7). The next Sutra states thus: 'The meditation should be on the Highest Self who is the Self of the individual selves. The next Sutra states thus: 'The Highest Self should not be apprehended in the symbol of the mind etc.

 He then states thus: Meditation has to be made everyday till death; because the scriptures say so. The next Sutra states thus: When the meditation on the Brahman is begun the earlier sins do not cling to him ; because those meditations have that power. The next Sutra states thus: 'As regards the wise, the ordinary good deeds obstruct the attainment of final release . But as they grant undesired fruits, they either do nothing to the selves or become destroyed. After death they do not yield any results. The next Sutra states thus: 'The good and evil deeds performed before the acquisition of knowledge, become destroyed without granting any fruits. The texts say that they last till death.

 The next three Sutras state: Agnihotra etc. are the works to be performed by the Asramin. The life of an Asramin is only intended for the acquisition of knowledge. The good and bad deeds do not cling to a person, who has obtained the knowledge on the Brahman. Further the works done with knowledge cause obstruction to the grant of the fruits after death. The last Sutra states thus: 'Having