
विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

२० वादावली ८१. तदनुपादानत्वे सत्यत्वं स्यादिति चेत्-स्यादेव । ८२. तथा सति प्रमाणज्ञानवदेव विषयापहारलक्षणबाधस्याप्य प्रसङ्ग इति चेन्न । ८३ . तव व्याप्स्यसिद्धेः । तत्त्वावेदकस्यापि त्वयाविद्यकत्वाभ्युप गमात् । ८४ . एतावन्तं कालं रजतमभात् इत्यनुभवविरोधाच । ८५. अनिर्वचनीयस्यापि भ्रमस्याभावविलक्षणतया तथात्वेनानु सन्धानोपपतिरिति चेन्न । 81. If it be said that, if it (nescience) were not 1material cause, there would be reality (of the delusive content), (thc siddhantin replies), “ that certainly would be so ) 82. “If it (the delusion-content) be s0 (real), there is 10 contingence of sublation t0 consisting in pri vati01 of the content (of the delusive cognition) even 2s in the case of valid cognition.' If this be said, 10 (says the siddhantin) 83. For there is non-establishment of your (Ad vaitin's) pervasion, (the pervasion is between the reality of the object and the reality of the cognition) because of your admission that even what makes known the rea1 is of the nature of mescience. 84. And (it is s०) because there is conflict with this experien1ce -“ for “this much time the silver was 85. If it be said that, since even the indetermi7 able delusion is different from tion-existence, there is

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