सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

of Bhimadeva of Gujarat. He was called in Gujarat. He was called Vicăracaturmukha । व्यधत्त सङ्गीतसुधाकराख्यं प्रबन्धमालेीडितपूर्वशास्त्रः ।।' ch from Bharatărnava. In Karanas he follows 3 with Nrtta, the second and third deal with e Viņas he mentions Kinnara Viņa, Kailāsa gives five kinds along Kaišiki etc. with Brahmi. 'ाह्मी ब्रह्मोद्भवा तत्र शेषा नारायणोद्भवाः ।। " a mentions Latakamelaka as an example of दै स्पर्शनैः काञ्चननाम् । गुर्द्वारवत्यां मुकुन्दः ।। " ays :मम्भकम्पनजुम्भदम्बुधिकृतावेष्टमिर्मा रक्षितुन्। वक्ते यस्य परं विहाररसिका जाता गिरां देवता॥” रसनिर्भरं वेिदधिरे येन प्रचन्धाश्शतम् । नीषगीतिहृदयः कण्ठेोपरागेीद्यतः ॥ " A. D. and the work of Sangitasamayasara avancore; the first one and a half chapter r deals with music as found in Vedic lore. la relating to Nadi. The remaining chapters The work begins with— क्षितेनैव रम्भाम् । न्पातु देवोऽनिशं वः ॥ " री यजननी लसद्बुणगणो यस्यादिदेवः पिता । करधीमतो विजयते तस्यैव सेऽयं कृतिः॥" the printed edition has omitted the first chapter he work is about fourteen hundred verses. he first commentator on Sanqitaratnākara er dealt with in the Vedas which is really sh Deši; but at the end of certain chapters, , Upabhanga and Vibhanga in Tāla which the first chapter, he dosines Mārga as Jati tra as Nirukti. He names sixty-six Śrutis two grāmas for Mürchanas. He discusses

  • न्नपेि ताने उच्चरितेऽन्यस्मिन्समादियागानामेकयागस्य

। आरोहावरोहृक्रम एक: । वरसमुच्छ्रयो मृच्छैना । भष्टादशजातिभेदब्रह्मवतूविनिर्गतसामवेदसमुद्भवा ।। " १, मद्रकम्, उल्लोप्यकम्, रोविन्दम्, ओवेणकमिति and the third with Rägas. He names some of ment to define them as for instance ŚankaraHe refers to Someşvara and Dattila who are ddišta are poorly treated. He says:— रसभावभेदनिपुणः साहित्यविद्यापतिः । सर्वजगन्नियं व्यरचयत् तालस्य षट्प्ययम् ॥" rahára. He mentions besides Devas, Somatra (Sangitaratnākara). He must have lived kambhari. He quotes from Gandharvāmrta. hapter about Rasa and gives examples from ākrit), Meghasandeśa, Kumārasambhava, belongs to Maharaja's family. He praises aņa, Durgăśakti, Anila, Kohala, Kambala, gadeka, Keśideva, Simhana, Gaņapati and music writers:— शश्च जयसिंहदयेो नृपाः ॥" Many new items were given by him in the leratesfifty Prasiddhālaikūras. Brahma seems ighteen kinds of Gatis. He says that Jatis are the older Ragas twenty Bhāsū Ragas and

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