सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

/ artas once for all. Some of the mnemonie the grammar of the Rāga definitions is very le Wind have survived to this day and the c instruments of the West, Govinda probably uth India. He was a Telugu Brahman by birth wrote Sahgitasārāmrta mostly in Sanskrit [e quotes Vema, Vitthala and Rämämátya 8 Melas beginning with Š riraga, his favourite nɖiprakāśa and imports new modifications. On Nrtla about 1760 A. D. He brought great he has introduced minute shades of action and mpletely written or available, it would extend rks as Kohaliya, Bharatürnava, Dešinrtta the latter half of the 17th century. The chief ths and intervals of frets on Vinā which he o 5. y a Malayāli whose name is not mentioned. ed by Rañganātha of Srirañgapatiana near r. He follows Bharata. He quotes Närada from Veda and gives quotations to maintain g Vedic quotations. The remaining portion ana in six chapters, a very small work treating s, thirty Ragas. It is a modern work written jtrology (Mamtra$ústra) and Philosophy. rk written by an unknown person. To com. ing is quoted :— यन्त्यळिनो वेदयगिण्डमोदमेोदिनः॥ विकुण्डलीनृतमधुना बनुमुमहे ॥ निवालीयं य प्रपापरदुर्लभम् ||" ato, teaching Natyaśāstra to Devas, In the course ntains nine points:— - द्यः पादमणीरमणीर्वर्तनात्ततः | all the nine points. He gives Pindibandhas गां प्रयोकूणामानदमुखकारणम्॥ 艇智籍 यभिरम्यूम् ! त शम्भुपादम् ।। " his century consisting of several new things six kinds of Rägas and a host of definitions of d from a work probably a century old. His Yugh difference of names exists in similar works. riter on music. There is an ancient writer (1150 isen as to the authorship of the portions quoted. works of doubtful authorship, are not noticed ɖalimaņidarpaņa, Viņārahasya, Kohalamata, ld not be obtained. Pañcamasūra-sath hità nurse small works (in Bengal), and Sajigitakaland its commentary, Sangitasārasaṁgraha, 'Nãdiad, Tāļacandrika, Nrttaratnākara (of lay be more fortunate to acquire them and o not thank, before the conclusion of this halities from whom I received manuscripts for koša. All of them are Maharajas such as Maharaja of Bikanir, H. H. The Maharaja of }. I received from the following libraries: the library of Bikanir and the Asiatic Society of ould like to mention the libraries that helped rnment Oriental Manuscripts Library, Madras; 'rivandrum ; Palace Library, Tanjore and the ome owners of manuscripts in Malabar and a nuscripts in Sanskrit and Prākrt languages, press my thanks are also due to Mr. V. as a Research Student very brilliantly during K. Dakshināmurthy M.A., B.O.L. for his able ition. M. RAMAKRISHNA KAVI.

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